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Amelie “Lola!” Nathan smiled warmly at his colleague. “Good to see you, love. You’re looking lovely.” He said looking her up and down. She looked completely different to usual, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on what was different about her - maybe it was the lack of mud. “Don't worry you haven't missed very much.” He said quietly with a smirk. The ceremony had been mind numbing. “The best bit is yet to come." Meaning the drinking and the dancing and the... er... drinking some more.
“Can I just have your wand a sec, love?” He asked holding out his hand.
Lola smiled, glad to see a friendly face.
"Hello Nathan!" she replied, toying with her hair, making sure it fell just right.
"I'm not one for ceremonies, but I thought I should pop by anyways," she explained. She was a little nervous about coming so late, it was rude of her.
Lola opened her bag and rummaged around.
"My wand, sure just... I had it a moment ago..." She continue to fumble around her small purse until she found it.
"Ah! Here it is," she announced, pulling out the wand from a bag that appeared too small to hold such a large object.
"I forget how big that little purse is on the inside." She handed over her wand to Nathan.
"So working security? How's that going?" she asked.
"You'd think they'd have something more important for you lot to work on," she chuckled. Important law enforcement working simple security, it was comical.