The Magic 'N Me OH MY FRICKIN GOD !!! Will you all just shut up for like five minutes ?? Everything single girl keeps whining about how horrible it is with out boys. Is that all these girls think about ? If so I'm royally screwed since I'm gonna have to listen to that. The whole over dramatics are getting old and I'm getting sick of it.
Half of my school career was spent at a very expensive and exclusive all girls school. And you know what ?? It wasn't that horrible and guess what all the girls survived. Someone kill me, seriously kill me and end my suffering.
And there's now a protest on the platform. How wonderful ?? Do you really think they'll listen and do really think that they care. Protest need many people to work, no just two since tragically two means nothing. I'm tired of sitting around and waiting for something to happen. Grrrr !!!!!!! My head hurts from all the whining. You know what I think, I think that none of the boys really honestly care as much as the girls.
I have a feeling that this isn't going to be a fun year. Maybe I'm wrong or maybe I can see the future, who really knows.
This fricken school will be the death of me...
Can I ask you something ?? How bad would it be if you want to a school without boys ?? My answer, it wouldn't be horrible and I'm sure everything would work out for the best. No I'm going to go and shut up now.
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