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Old 06-02-2008, 12:05 AM   #23 (permalink)
Maya Ellwood
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Join Date: Aug 2006
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Evil Hungry Angst Vampire

Okay. First of all? Why does everyone think I'm so weird? Sure, I like to read palms. Sure, I like tea, not butterbeer. Sure, I have a pet rabbit. SO WHAT?!?!?!!

Okay. Few deep breaths. Alright.

Second. Why does it seem that 'love conquers all' seems to be the main thing here? Please. Keep the flirtiness minimal. It's enough as it is with seeing actors and actresses make out in every scene in movies - but seriously? I bet you that Hogwarts has more 'couple-of-the-year's than Salem did. ARGH!

Okay. Enough ranting. I need some tea.

this is for the kids who ain't got no soul!
never think twice, got nowhere to go!

Last edited by Maya Ellwood; 06-02-2008 at 12:11 AM.
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