The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas. Okay can I have a single minute to myself in this place? Seriously, all the time it's this and that, peoples emotions running wild and driving me crazy! Don't they realize there's an empath in the school who's been going through a rough time? No, it appears they DON'T! Please, all I'm asking is to keep your annoying hormones out of the school and leave them at home.
Another thing; is it too much to ask to STOP SNOGGING?!? I understand a little kiss here and there among the older students, but first years with fourth years snogging in the halls, come on! Where's the prefects to stop it, are they all in the tub or something? What's so important about it anyway, it only leads to problems. Like breaking up and starting a huge fight over who gets what. Honestly, give it up epople! Someo f us are trying to learn in this school, not learn how to get a guy in ten days. That movei does not work, believe me!
I think I'm all finished now, but believe me if I see another snogging fest then I'll scream, seriously scream and you don't want me screaming!
*takes a deep breath* Wow, this does work *skips out* OOC: I love playing an empathic 16 year old girl lol
__________________ Forget the future signature; HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MAH ARI!!! |