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Old 05-30-2008, 11:56 PM   #328 (permalink)

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Originally Posted by tweety_amu11 View Post
Gabriella smiled back and said,"Gabriella Kayla Doucette, Deparment of Magical Education, Examinations Authority." She opened her bag and rummaged around for a few seconds before handing over her wand(Mahogany,11', Unicorn hair) and the invitation. She handed to the woman and waited.
Clarissa smiled, finding the name right away. "Thank you very much." She accepted the items, set the invitation to one side and then proceeded to inspect the wand. It was over within a minute or so. "That'll be all, Ms. Doucette. Thank you again and please enjoy the ceremony." She said as she handed back the wand.

Originally Posted by *Magical*Lollipop* View Post
Of course that everything was in order.
Angelina accepted her wand back and then listened to the woman.
The gift table of course.. and then.. erm what? Attire checkpoint? Merlin.. all she wanted was to find Reagan and give her the portkey.
There was clearly high security there.
She moved her eyes to the woman and smiled. “Thank you for the explanation.”
Clarissa smiled brightly. "You're very welcome." She answered as she set the clipboard down on the table for no other guests were present at the moment. She glanced over at Warren and Nathan. Perhaps now was the time to step in...

Originally Posted by springbaby View Post
Kahylee popped into veiw infront of the Visitor entrance. She had on a black skirt and a purple shirt. In her hands she held a gift. It was a magical box that, when opend, gives the opener his or her deepest wish. Kahylee stood in the line waiting patiently.
Or not. "Hello, ma'am." She greeted. "If you will, please give me your name, division, wand, and invitation." She requested.

Once more, she shot a glance towards the group to the side. It seemed as though Nathan was managing to deal with him efficiently, but if Mr. Esterre continued to be difficult...
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