Joshua strode over to the table and quickly filled in his name. Joshua Lupet Sigal, he wrote, before thinking of a good memory of the Minister. He eventually thought of one, but was hesitant to put it in. Yes...put it in Joshua...he'll understand...he thought, before taking it out and sticking it in the penseive with determination. It was a dark stormy night...just the beginning of all horror stories. Yes, there was lightning, yes there was thunder...and yes, there was murder. Family murder. Joshua had been wandering aimlessly into the darkness, not following the path of the rest of his stupid family that was congratulating James about his 13th birthday. Joshua had recently been in an argument with Mum, and Dad, as always, was playing the "Gaber" as they called it. It was when Dad...who's name was Gabe, used to act...Gabesh. Usually, any one person plays a mixture of personality's to make theirs...not Dad. He just played completely...skeptical. Nothing else. Just skeptical.
There was a sound in the distance and green lights and screams and well, it was his family! He ran off as fast as he could towards the incident, but it was too late. Dead bodies lay on the ground, as the killers fled. Animague. Joshua looked up as each of them transformed into an animal and fled. But 10 or so stayed. There was one standing in front of them, supposedly their leader. He saw the mans face but for a split second, before disappearing into the distance. And Joshua did nothing to stop them.
He looked down and saw a boy there. Dead. Or so he thought. As Joshua inspected closer, the boy was sobbing something about them being in Ravenclaw...traitors...and...and family. As he lay the boy on the ground and wiped the grime off his face with delicacy, the boy opened his eyes. Purple. Purple eyes? No one in his family had purple eyes! Who was this kid? It was James, he realized, his cousin.
Even though James had opened his eyes a little, he wasn't conscious. He started to pick him up when AUUGHH! A scream in the distance made Joshua more alert, almost dropping his cousin. He looked to where the scream came from. The attic. The scream came again, but this time, Joshua was ready for it. It was Jack. James' twin who had never left the attic since he was little and crawled up there by accident. There were vents in the wall, thats how Jack must of seen the murder.
Joshua sighed and starting lugging James off, nudging John in the shoulder, and weeping for Mom and Dad on the way. It was an hour till he finally came to the house, a one minutes walk away. Maybe it was more than an hour. But Joshua knew one thing. He was doomed. He was going to die. From lack of a job, food...and love.
It was a week later that Joshua went to the Ministry. He was just in time to hear the Minister talking to a helper. "Help him then! He's not going to get help on his own!" The Minister said something along those lines as the helper said something Joshua didn't pick out. Then the Minister said something like "Just help him earn a living..." Joshua was inspired. Was this how the world was treated? Could he help other people with his problem? In his moment of awe, he realized that he had to keep a barrier. Something to put himself at the top. Risk his life for the Ministry if he must.
And now he was working for the Ministry as an unspeakable...and here he was the Ministers wedding. He nodded his head in satisfaction (except for the fact that the face of the killer was covered over), and walked briskly off. |