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Old 05-30-2008, 03:36 PM
r+h4ever1 r+h4ever1 is offline
Post Hermione Granger on Movie Whiz Kids list

Harry Potter's smartest friend, Hermione Granger, made the No. 2 spot on Entertainment Weekly's list of Attack of the Braniacs: 18 Movie/TV Whiz Kids! Congratulations, Hermione!

Played by Emma Watson
Harry Potter series (2001- )

Emma Watson's know-it-all and best friend to Harry Potter isn't just book smart — she's dang clever. How many times has she been the one to save Harry and Ron — and countless other students — from pressing danger? She conjured fire to ward off the Devil's Snare, surmised correctly that Professor Lupin was a werewolf, and started Dumbledore's Army, to name a few of her most outstanding moments. —Tanner Stransky
1. Fred Tate (from Little Man Tate)
2. Hermione Granger (from Harry Potter series)
3. NUPUR LALA and HARRY ALTMAN (from Spellbound)
4. Doogie Howser (from Doogie Howser, M.D.)
5. Nim Rusoe (from Nim's Island)

You can view the rest of the list here.
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