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Old 05-30-2008, 02:33 PM   #162 (permalink)
Em's the Game
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Eddy Matheus Basilthorne
Fifth Year

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
Maddie's jaw dropped open. Did this man not know who she was? How dare he talk to her like that! "I was actually in the middle of a conversation with Ivan," she explained, putting emphasis on the word. "It's about something that happened in the Committee on Experimental Charms office earlier."

Madeline felt a rush of pity for Ivan, who was clearly embarrassed. This was all Maddie's fault, really. No, she took that back--it was Corranda's fault. She was the one who had dropped that potion on Madeline's head, and caused Madeline to say those horrifyingly embarrassing things.

But she still sort of blamed Ivan for the present situation...he just HAD to pick a closet, didn't he? Couldn't he have picked somewhere that people wouldn't find so...amusing?
Originally Posted by Hawken Terrell
”Oh, a the Committee on Experimental Charms office,” he said as if that explained it all. His smile grew into a bigger one. The years of hiding out in the Department of Mysteries' brain room had left Trism a bit out of practice when it came to interdepartmental exchanges, but in this case, he was simply being cheeky on purpose.

“Well, I’d be wiling to bet that whatever you’re discussing has to do with your dazzling charms concerning the charming Charm's office.” He continued grinning like he had a cheering charm placed on him as he handed over the plate of cookies to Ivan.
Holy Dragon's Egg! Tris knew who she was and he was still being a flirt! Must be in a particularly good mood...or its payback for me putting that floating toy boat in his brain pool... It had seemed like an interesting experiment to Ivan at the time. Alas. Ivan and Yusuke had not been amused.

"Try a biscuit, Ma'am!" In desperation, Ivan plucked one's Trism's baking experiments up and held it in front of Maddie, hoping to obscure Trism from her vision. Her round eyes sparkled with annoyance but she didn't even tilt her head. Hm... Apparently, a biscuit wasn't large enough to hide Trism's head.

Switching tactics, Ivan swung the biscuit around and shoved it into Trism's partially open mouth. "Biscuit, Trism!?" Ivan snagged a biscuit for himself and bit into it, emphasizing the crunch in demonstration. "Yum!" He eyes watered and face blanched at the horrible taste. Yech! Still, Ivan soldiered on in hopes of derailing the Charm Express that Trism seemed intent on steamrolling over Maddie with.

If only someone - anyone! - would interrupt them in the closet! Ivan's eyes slid to the crack in the door behind Trism. Help! Help! I'm stuck in the closet meeting from hades!

Ivan Callistus: Optimistic Oblivious Obliviator

If only all mistakes could be obliviated...
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