Snape is my man! ♥Melita's Sweetheart♥ The French Minister of Magic, Luc Beniot, strutted quietly into the room, his dark green eyes scanning the perimeter. The middle-aged man with salt-and-pepper hair was adorned in finely tailored ebony dress robes with a high ivory collar, which suited his proper, professional demeanor quite nicely. He approached the altar and drew his wand with a slightly withered hand, waving it gracefully over the podium and conjuring a deep purple, silk sash. With a skilled, careful hand he covered the altar's surface with it. Next, he conjured twin black candles which looked as though they had been used many times, even if they hadn't been burnt completely. Old, hardened wax formed on the sides where hot wax had dripped down the sides of the candles during former ceremonies, and the candles themselves filled the air with a faint, archaic library-like scent. He flicked his wand over both of the candles in a ceremonial gesture, lighting them with a slowly burning flame. The minister stood behind the altar and opened an ancient-looking book on the podium.
Minister Beniot cleared his throat and glanced around, his posture rigid, ready to begin the service. He spoke in a rich baritone voice with a signifigantly heavy French accent, his voice projecting well through the room. "Is the band ready?"
Last edited by DeathEater24601; 05-30-2008 at 03:09 AM.