Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean Quote:
Originally Posted by Crayola AWWWWWWWWWWWW!! That's the most adorable thing ever. :3
I love it daughter!  *snuggles Mummy* Quote:
Originally Posted by Hollister Miles: *Gets the letter* Thankyou Vanniiiie :tackle:
Hehe. I love it Squashiie <33 Vannie: *blushes*
*snuggles* Chapter 4
So it was the second week of the summer and as always the twins were away plotting. But what Vannie didn’t know that they were plotting against her. Unaware to the older girl, Cloe Corbette had managed to sneak a glance at the letters and now knew about Miles. This made the banging and clanging around the house actually stop as she girls plotted to break up Vannie and Miles. But it seemed that the couple kept on sending each other letters. Would that be the way?
Blissfully unaware of what her siblings were up to Vanessa continued to dawdle around, in her little day dream life. What she would give to see Miles for just a few seconds. But she couldn’t. Not till school began again. Miles’ stupid father. At least they’d be able to spend the whole school year together. That was something to look forward to.
So on this particular day Vannie had wandered off to the village green, to occupy herself by making daisy chains. The thirteen year old definitely was off her rocker. The twins took this chance to try to fiddle around with the relationship which Vannie loved so much.
Sneaking into Vannie’s room Cloe saw a half finished letter which Vannie had carelessly left on the table. Brilliant The small blonde thought as she sat down and picked up the quill.
She knew that she had to be careful. If she was too harsh in the letter Miles was sure to pick up that it wasn’t Vannie writing. But then it would be hard to tell Vannie’s writing from Cloe’s. Even the dots over the I’s were written in the same. A smirk plastered across her face she tied to letter and hopped off the chair and over to Vannie’s owl.
“Take this to Miles and bite him while your at it” She instructed the owl with a grin. Getting owls to bite people was one of her favourite things to do. She just hoped that the owl would make Miles bleed. A lot.
Walking back to where Hollie was sat she spoke words which would scare Vannie to death if she heard her.
“This is just the beginning”
__________________ It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix 
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain |