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Old 05-28-2008, 12:05 PM   #23 (permalink)
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Leicester, UK
Posts: 567

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krysta Hedwig
Sixth Year

Chapter 8, part 3

He was fuming, forcing the door wide open so hard the Fat Lady shouted at him angrily as he slammed it shut again just to annoy her further.

He kicked a sofa, much to the fright of a first year who was reading in it. He tried to apologise but she hurried up the stairs too quickly. That annoyed him even more. He really felt like the entire world hated him, and since he didn’t have anyone to yell at he kicked the sofa again. Hurting his foot, he swore at it. He glared around the room for something to be angry about and when he caught sight of the Arinella on the table where he’d left it. He stopped dead. He stared at it as if wondering how it got there then realised it must have been there since last night. He couldn’t believe he’d been so careless. He picked it up carefully, turning it over in his hands. It was spotless. He breathed a sigh of relief. Packing it away in the case he reached for the pendant. He stopped. The velvet cloth was empty. He opened it out fully; the pendant was nowhere to be seen. He checked the floor, down the back of the sofas, pulling out all the cushions, throwing them on the floor behind him. He ignored the looks he got from students as they returned from breakfast, who disappeared whispering. He checked everywhere over and over. It was gone.

A voice suddenly came from behind him.

“What are you doing?” it was Ginny, holding two letters in her hand.

“Have you seen my pendant? My Mother’s Pendant? It’s gone.” He said, answering her question with another. She frowned.

“No, where did you leave it?”

“It was here! On the table.” He was getting agitated even more. He was still angry with her.

“You left it on the table? Just left it there? That was a bit stupid wasn’t it?”

“Listen, I thought one of my best friends was dying! I had other things on my mind!” she recoiled from his shouts.

“Well I see you’ve looked everywhere. Need any help?”

“No thanks.” He said bitterly. She looked hurt, but he ignored it. He could feel the anger in him swirling around like a fuming red and black smoke.

“Fine.” She turned on her heel and began to stalk away. She stopped part way and turned. “Oh, here. You got an owl.” She flung the envelope at him angrily and turned to storm away as the letter turned in the air currents and flew in the wrong direction.

“What’s going on?” came an angry voice from the doorway. They hadn’t even heard Ron come in. They both looked uncomfortable. He didn’t understand why, but Harry felt guilty.

“Harry’s lost his pendant.” Ginny said quickly, trying to hide the guilt from her voice too. Harry could see she had the same feelings he did.

“I didn’t lose it exactly. I think someone took it.” He said, gloomily, trying not to sound like he was arguing with her. Ron looked suspiciously at them.

“I don’t think a Gryffindor would steal it, Harry.” She recoiled from the glare he threw at her. “I just mean that maybe someone picked it up so that it didn’t get lost. You know so that they could give it to you.”

“Well no one’s bothered to so far, have they?” he snapped.

“They’re probably to afraid to approach you the way you’ve been acting this morning!” the snapping had restarted and was swiftly discharged with an almighty bellow.

“ENOUGH!” Ron was so red you could barely tell where his hair ended and his forehead began. “In case you’ve forgotten, our best friend is lying unconscious in hospital and all you two can do is bicker and fight!” he shouted so loudly he trembled. Harry and Ginny recoiled from him, feeling so guilty that Harry thought he’d be sick. Ginny looked at her feet. Harry looked at her, and something stirred. Guilt? Anger with himself? Whatever it was there were uncomfortable butterflies in his stomach. Ginny wiped her face, and Harry saw she was crying. He handed out a letter to Ron, who took it silently then she turned and ran up the stairs to the girl’s dorms. They watched her go. Ron glared at Harry who tried to avert his eyes.

“It wasn’t anything important.” He tried to explain.

“Oh good, you’re arguing for no reason. That’s ok then.” Harry looked down.

“How is she?”

“Do you care?” That hurt Harry.

“C’mon, Ron.” Harry pleaded. Ron softened a little.

“She’s unconscious like I said. She’s stable. Not shaking anymore. Just sleeping.” He sounded distant. His sentences were short and breathless. They were both silent for a while. Together they sorted out the disarray of cushions Harry had thrown on the floor and they took a sofa each. After a while Ron spoke.

“So…you gonna tell me what’s going on or not?” Harry thought about denying everything, but decided there was no point. He began telling Ron how it had started at the breakfast table. In his words, it sounded so petty and childish and he felt so ashamed. Ron didn’t say anything though, he just sighed. He turned his attention to the letter still clutched in his hands. Harry suddenly remembered the letter Ginny had flung at him and retrieved it from the other side of the room. Back in the sofa, he watched Ron’s face as he read the letter. His expression never changed once. Finally he folded it up and put it back and handed it to Harry.

My Dears,

I am so sorry to hear about poor Hermione. Fred sent us an owl last night. Please let us know how she is we’re deeply worried. She’s such a sweet girl and we’re so fond of her.

Everything here is normal I suppose. Bill and Charley have gone back to work, although Charlie’s got a hard time at the moment. His boss has disappeared leaving him in charge of 3 colonies of dragons.

Percy is on the warpath again. This ‘raid’ – as he calls it - on the department is really getting to him. They’re taking the whole place apart and apparently they’re talking about doing the same with Mr. Crouch’s old house. What they expect to find I don’t know.

Apart from that all is well. With summer on the way out, the number of Gnomes in the garden is dropping which is always a good thing, although our friend in the attic is as boisterous as ever.

Anyway, keep us informed about Hermione and I hope the rest of you are all right. Look after each other,


Mum and Dad

(Mr And Mrs Weasley)

Harry felt worse than ever after reading the last sentence. “Look after each other.” Harry passed the letter back and sighed deeply. He opened his own letter and nearly choked when he saw Sirius’s dark, clear handwriting.

Dear Harry,

I heard about Hermione. Look after her. She will need you. Look after each other. Friendship is the best gift you can give each other right now.

I am fine and well, so you don’t have to worry about me. I shan’t contact you for a while so I’ll leave you in Dumbledore’s capable hands. Listen to him, and do as he says, Harry. No sneaking off to Hogsmeade. Promise me, Harry.

Take care,


Was everyone psychic? Did they somehow know about the arguments? Both letters had told them to look after each other, and Harry felt a huge stab of guilt in his stomach. He handed Ron the letter who frowned slightly.

“What’s wrong?” Harry asked.

“Well, how did he know about Hermione?” said Ron. Harry raised his eyebrows. That was a very good question.

“I just wish I could contact him!” he exclaimed. “How could he have known? It only happened last night.”

“Dumbledore.” Came a new voice. They turned to see Ginny standing in the stairwell. As she came closer, Harry could see her eyes were a little red and puffy. More guilt. He had been way too harsh on her. She had tried to make up with him, and he’d thrown it back in her face. He moved over on the sofa and she took the space next to him, smiling weakly.

“Dumbledore?” asked Ron.

“Yeah. Remember, Harry? Last night, he left to send an owl. It must have been to Sirius.” They thought about it. It made sense.

“There’s no other way he could have known.”

Just then Seamus and Dean came wandering laughing with Neville in toe.

“Top ‘o’ the morn’!” beamed Seamus, grinning.

“Hi! Hey, have you guys seen my Pendant?” said Harry suddenly remembering his other reason for being worked up.

“I left it next to the Arinella on the table when we rushed Hermione to the hospital wing last night. This morning it was gone.”

“Can’t help, mate.” Said Dean holding out his hands.

“The Arinelli thing was alright?” asked Seamus.

“ArinellA.” Corrected Harry. “Yeah it didn’t have a scratch on it.” Harry noticed the strange look on Neville’s look. It wasn’t guilt exactly, but some kind of stress.

“You know anything, Neville?” he asked suspiciously.

“No, of course not.” He stammered. “If I did, I’d tell you.”

“You sure?” asked Ron, noticing the look on his face too. “You were awfully interested in that Pendant.” Neville looked shocked.

“I would never take it! I can’t believe you’d think that.”

“I wouldn’t think that, Neville. But maybe you saw something?” said Harry.

“I told you, no. I was interested in the pendant because it looks familiar. I admit, it’s been on my mind a lot, but I’d never take it.” Harry felt bad now. He should know that Neville didn’t have it in him to steal.

“Sorry, Neville. It’s just; it was my Mother’s y’know. Only thing I have of hers.” He said apologetically. Neville’s face softened and looked ghostly almost.

“S’ok. I know what it’s like to lose a Mother.” With that he turned and hurried up the stairs. Harry felt really bad now. Although Neville’s Mother hadn’t actually died, she may as well have. Crouch’s son and a gang of Death Eaters had tortured Neville’s parents when they wouldn’t tell them things they wanted to know. Eventually their minds couldn’t take the pain anymore and they had gone insane. Apparently it had been as though their personalities had just gone and their bodies were empty shells. Neville had been brought up by his Grandmother while his parents resided in a psychiatric hospital.

“I just seem to be upsetting everyone today.” Said Harry, sadly, frustrated with himself. Ginny touched his hand and smiled. He squeezed it gently and smiled a ‘thanks’ back at her. She released his hand and motioned to the letter in Ron’s hand.

“Sounds like Percy’s a barrel of laughs at the moment.” She said, with a slight grin. Ron smiled back nodding. Harry noticed the Arinella box was still on the table and he reached for it. He tucked the pendant’s velvet cloth back inside the case then locked it up.

“Just gonna put this away.” He told them and they nodded.

Up in the dorm, Neville’s curtains were closed around his bed. Harry crept across the floor, slipped the box into his trunk and slipped back out again.

The rest of the morning was quiet. It was Friday and classes weren’t due to start until Monday. Students wandered around the castle aimlessly, First years taking the time to explore. More than once they heard Filch yelling at some poor new student who had wandered a little farther than they should have, or even those that hadn’t but “Looked like they were going to.” as Filch claimed when met by protests.

The afternoon was warm and Harry and Ron decided to go and visit Hagrid. His hut was a welcome sight and even though it was September and the weather was fine, there was still smoke coming from the chimney in the centre of the thatched roof.

“You bloody well took yer time!” cried Hagrid as soon as he opened the door, ushering them inside. “’ermione in ‘ospital an’ you don’t come an’ see me!”

“Sorry, Hagrid, but it’s been a hectic day.”

“Been a hectic two months.” corrected Harry.

They told Hagrid about the night before and Hermione’s apparent nightmare. They told him about the argument with Ginny, the letters from Sirius and Ron’s parents. They told him about the pendant going missing, and finally laughed with him about the particularly grouchy mood Filch was in.

“So, ‘arry, what does this ‘ere pendant look like?” asked Hagrid, boiling some water in a caldron for tea. He described it in as much detail as he could: the ivy, the shield, the blue dragon and the silver trio of stars. Hagrid looked thoughtful and mumbled to himself, something Harry couldn’t hear. “And it apparently belonged to your Mother?” Harry nodded. “Well, I’ll be. Never saw that coming, I didn’t. Should ‘o’ known, really, yeah.”

“What, Hagrid? Should have known what?” asked Harry, suspiciously.

“Ay? Oh nothing, pay no attention to me, you know how I babble.” Harry and Ron looked at each other. They did know how he babbled, usually about things he “wasn’t supposed to tell” them.

“So how’s poor little ‘ermione then?” Hagrid changed the subject.

“Unconscious. But stable. She’ll wake up soon, Dumbledore says she’s going to be ok.” Something in Ron’s voice didn’t sound so confident. Harry was overwhelmed by how worried Ron was. Harry was worried, of course he was Hermione was one of his two best friends and he hated seeing her in pain. But Dumbledore had said she was going to be ok.

“Well there you go then. Dumbledore wouldn’t be sayin’ that if t’weren’t true now would ‘e?” said Hagrid, who had obviously picked up on Ron’s worry too. Ron nodded and seemed to relax a little. Suddenly Harry noticed something occur to Ron as his face became questioning.

“Hagrid, do you know who the new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher is?” Hagrid turned his back to them and began fiddling with something on the other side of the cabin.

“Erm, well Professor Snape is teaching you, isn’t ‘e? Professor Dumbledore said so.” Harry looked suspiciously at Ron and Ron returned the look.

“The new one, Hagrid. You know what Ron meant. The one who’s been ‘detained’.” Said Harry.

“Oh I dunno about that.”

“Yes you do, we can tell you do. C’Mon Hagrid, tell us!” begged Ron.

“Well, lads, I’m sure you’ll find out soon enough when she gets here.” He said pleased with avoiding he subject.

“She???” exclaimed Harry and Ron together. Hagrid’s face fell.

“I shouldn’ a told you that.”

Walking across the grass back to the castle, the sun on their backs, Harry and Ron were thoughtful.

“He knew.”

“Of course he knew. But why wouldn’t he tell us?”

“Who knows?” Ron shrugged and looked around him. Behind him the Forrest looked dreary and menacing, despite the warm sunshine.

“I don’t understand why it’s such a secret.”

“Well we know it’s a witch, anyway. So that counts Lupin out.”

“Yeah.” Said Harry gloomily. He’d really hoped it would be him.

“Maybe it’s that mysterious protector of yours, Harry, wanting to keep a closer eye on you.” They both laughed. They stopped when they heard some other laughter coming from behind one of the huge greenhouses. They looked at each other. They knew that laughter. They crept closer to the greenhouse and along one wall until the voices grew louder. Hiding just out of sight, Harry and Ron could see Crabbe and Goyle huddled together, much like they had been in Knockturn Alley. They listened closely to their conversation:

“What d’ya reckon it is anyway?”

“Dunno. But it must be important if he kept it in a locked box.”

“What shall we do with it?”

“Dunno, just so’s Potter don’t get ‘is hands on it he don’t…” Crabbe was cut off in mid-sentence as Harry charged at him from his hiding place. The both went rolling on the floor, Harry landing punches on Crabbe’s ribcage, Crabbe wrestling Harry onto his back, and pummelling his stomach.

“Hey what the bloody hell is wrong with you, Potter. You gone psycho on us again?” yelled Goyle in bewilderment and slight amusement. Ron tried to pull Crabbe off but was attacked by Goyle. The fight was beginning to get nasty when a dry voice bellowed their way.

“What is going on here?” all four of them froze and turned to see Professor Snape, his arms folded across his chest, and ugly sneer on his face.

“Potter attacked us sir! Totally unprovoked sir. We was just standing here talkin’ an’ ‘e comes out ‘o nowhere an’ attacks me.”

“That’s not true!” objected Ron furiously.

“Enough!” bellowed Snape again. “50 points from Gryffindor for malicious behaviour. I believe that puts the Gryffindor tally in the negative, doesn’t it?”

“But they’ve…” began Harry, furious.

“Anymore, and I’ll make it a hundred, Mister Potter.” Snape’s voice was bitter. Harry didn’t believe it possible, but he could swear the level of hate in Snape’s eyes was even more intense than usual. Harry backed off a step in shock. “I think a visit to the headmaster is in order. You too.” He looked at Crabbe and Goyle. “Only fair you should all get your say, especially when the headmaster’s biased in certain ways.” He threw Harry another murderous look and Harry thought it was a bit hypocritical to accuse Dumbledore of favouritism. Snape turned and strode off in the direction of the castle with the four students following close behind.

“What have you got to say, Harry?” Dumbledore had listened to Snape’s exaggerated version of events and Crabbe and Goyle’s pitiful attempt at playing the victims. Now his gaze fell on Harry. Harry felt uncomfortable. Professor Dumbledore looked disappointed and Harry hated disappointing him. He looked at the ground.

“We overheard some of their conversation.” Harry began, motioning to the two smirking Slytherins in the corner.

“He was spying on us!” cried Goyle.

“Thank you Mr. Goyle, you’ve had your say. Continue, Harry.” Harry breathed deeply, and Ron looked at the floor next to him.

“What they said, suggested they were responsible for the disappearance of my Mother’s Pendant. It went missing last night when Hermione was ill.”

“Nothing to do with us!” cried Crabbe, and Harry and Ron stared at him. Crabbe actually sounded genuinely surprised at the accusation.

“It’s the only thing of hers I have, Professor. And when I heard them talking, they said that they had to make sure I didn’t get my hands on something, and they mentioned that it was kept in a box – which I do – and I figured, they had taken it.” Harry concluded.

“I see…and you took it upon yourselves to attack Mr. Crabbe?” Harry felt ashamed now that it was put into words. It sounded a ridiculous thing to do. He looked at the floor.

“Yes, sir.” He replied and Snape sneered.

“Violent tendencies, headmaster. Not the first time we’ve seen outbursts like this from him.”

“Very true, Severus. However all those times, it had been provoked had it not?” Snape looked disappointed and grunted a “yes”.

“I think that if the only possession of my dead Mother’s I had, had gone missing, I would be just as testy.” Concluded Dumbledore, and Harry released a sigh of relief. “However, attacking another student, for whatever reason, is unacceptable. The 50 points deduction remains.” Harry and Ron looked up in dismay at the Headmaster and looked to protest, but Dumbledore held up a hand. “That is all. Severus, Mr. Crabbe, Mr. Goyle, you may leave now. You two stay a while.” He looked at Harry and Ron, who in turn looked at each other confused. The three obviously disappointed Slytherins turned and left the room, Snape throwing another vicious look Harry’s way.
When they had Gone, Dumbledore sat at his desk and told Harry and Ron to take a seat. To their astonishment they turned to see two comfy looking armchairs had apparated behind them. They grinned and sank thankfully into them. Dumbledore looked at them sternly over the half-moon rims of his spectacles.

“Why were you so sure that Mr. Crabbe and Mr. Goyle had your Mother’s pendant, Harry?”

Harry looked at Ron who seemed as surprised as Harry was.

“Well…they’ve been acting suspiciously. We saw them in Diagon Alley, and they were talking about something then too, that they had to keep safe.

”Yeah.” said Ron, to back him up.

“I see, and your pendant only went missing last night?”


“And when did you receive the pendant? Before or after you saw Mr. Crabbe and Mr. Goyle in Diagon Alley?”

“Well, after…oh.” Dumbledore smiled.

“So they couldn’t have known about your pendant, could they, Harry?”

“No.” he said quietly.

“Where did you leave your pendant last night, Harry?”

“In the common room, in front of the fire. When Hermione fell ill we just rushed out of there.”

“And how, if Mr. Crabbe and Mr. Goyle did take it, did they get into the Gryffindor common room?” Harry and Ron didn’t have an answer, instead just looked at each other uncomfortably. Dumbledore obviously decided they’d suffered enough embarrassment for he smiled and leant back in his chair.

“Never jump to conclusions, Harry. They can have serious consequences.” Harry nodded.

“Do you know what your Mother’s pendant is, Harry?” asked Dumbledore, changing the subject. Harry looked at Ron, who shrugged. Harry shook his head. Dumbledore smiled again.

“Ah. I suppose not, no. Still, there’s time yet. How is your friend, Miss Granger today? Mr. Weasley, I believe you were the last to visit her.” Harry and Ron were becoming more and more confused.

“She’s, er, fine. Not conscious yet, but she’s comfortable.”

“Why don’t you go and visit her. She needs someone to hold her hand.” Dumbledore winked at them, then rose from his chair and showed them the door.

“Professor?” asked Harry, turning suddenly.

“Yes, my boy?”

“Why does Professor Snape hate me so much? I don’t buy the stories. I used to, but not anymore. He can’t just have hated my father so much because of what happened with Sirius and the practical joke. My Father didn’t even have anything to do with it. He saved Snape.”

Dumbledore looked thoughtful for a moment.

“Hate, Harry, is very closely linked to Love. One emotion can often lead to the other. Love can make you crazy, and Hate can make you passionate.” With that he smiled, and shooed them both out of the door.

“He’s getting weirder, I tell you!” said Ron as they made their way down the corridor from Professor Dumbledore’s office.

“He’s trying to tell us something.” Said Harry thoughtfully.

“He always is. I just wish he’d tell us straight.” Roan moaned. “You up for visiting Hermione?” he asked, hopefully.

“Yeah of course. She should wake up soon; Dumbledore said it would only be a day or so. It would be nice if she had a friendly face there when she does.” He replied and Ron smiled and nodded.

“Oh wait. Mind if I nip back to the dorms? I want to apologise to Neville.” It had been nagging him ever since that morning. He’d behaved abominably towards Neville and felt horrible.

“Sure. I’ll go ahead, see you there.” Said Ron and headed off towards the hospital wing. Harry watched him go. Something was different. He knew that all the whispering Ron and Hermione had been doing behind his back this summer had been for the sake of Harry’s birthday surprise, but somehow he’d noticed the bond between his two best friends had grown. He’d noticed a change in Ron. Not so much in Hermione, she seemed much the same as ever, but then girls were more difficult to read than boys…to Harry at least. He’d laughed off the jealousy games they’d been playing last year with Viktor Krum and Fleur Delacour. He hadn’t taken it seriously or thought it had meant anything. But watching Ron over the last couple of days was beginning to make him wonder. He was happily wandering down the corridor thinking to himself when he was shaken out of it by a muffled shout.

“Harry, help!” came an anxious cry from his left. He turned and ran over to a stumbling Ginny who was loaded down with boxes and books. He took a handful from her arms and she grinned over the top of some books at him.

“Hi.” She grinned wisps of hair in her face, getting caught on her lips. He smiled and pulled the strands of ginger hair away from her face, laughing.

“Thanks. That was really beginning to annoy me.” She hoisted the books more securely into her arms and started down the corridor. He followed her.

“So how’s your afternoon been?” she asked brightly.

“Don’t ask.”

“I just did.” He sighed and launched into the whole story, and accompanied the story with angry grunts and comments when he described Snape’s behaviour. Talking about it made him think of what Dumbledore had told him about love and hate and he fell silent for a while.

“Knut for your thoughts?” asked Ginny quietly.

“What? Oh, nothing.”

“You sure? You look like you got something on your mind.“

“Yeah. But, it doesn’t matter right now.”

“Ok. But if you want to talk…”

“Thanks. By the way, what is all this stuff?” he asked motioning to the boxes and books in their arms.

“God knows.” She said, slightly annoyed.


“Oh it’s Fred and George’s stuff. Fred gave them to me in the library and ordered I take them to George in the dorm. He said if I looked in the boxes he’d tell everyone that…” she trailed off and fell silent.

“Tell everyone what?” he asked mischievously. She grinned.

“Wouldn’t you like to know.” He laughed.

“Tell me.”


“Tell me!”


“I’ll go tell George that you peeked and then he can tell me.” He threatened.

“No you won’t.” she said defiantly.

“Oh yeah? What makes you so sure?”

“Because you’re not a pig.” She said finally, smiling at him. He melted and flushed with embarrassment.

“You didn’t think that this morning.” He told her and she laughed and moved faster down the corridor, so that he had to run to catch up.

Finally in the common room Harry helped her carry the boxes up the steps to the 7th year dorms. They knocked on Fred and George’s dorm and it opened just a crack.

“Yes, what is it?” came George’s voice.

“It’s us for goodness sake, let us in.” Ginny moaned, her arms aching. George popped his whole head out.

“Did anyone see you?” he asked suspiciously.

“What? How should I know?” she moaned again shoving the boxes into George’s arms. He looked at them suspiciously.

“Did you peek?” he asked.

“No! For spirit’s sake! Why would I want to?” George disappeared into the room and came back to take the load from Harry.

“Just you hope you didn’t” he looked at Harry then back to Ginny. “Wouldn’t want your little secret getting out.” She glowered at him and he grinned before disappearing back into his dorm. Harry felt a change of subject was in order.

“So, wanna go visit Hermione in the Hospital?” she turned and smiled briefly before nodding. “Great. I just gotta go talk to Neville first. I want to apologise for this morning.” She nodded and followed him up the steps to his dorm. She stood at the door peering in whilst Harry approached Neville’s bed.

“Neville?” he called.

“Yeah?” Neville called opening his curtains and smiled weakly when he saw Harry.

“Listen I’m sorry about this morning…” Neville cut him off, though.

“Oh, it’s alright, really. I understand how you felt. I guess I was acting a bit weirdly with that pendant. I just…I swear I recognise it. I take it, it hasn’t turned up then?” Harry shook is head and told him about the incident with Crabbe and Goyle.

“Oh dear. Well I hope you find it.”

“Thanks.” Harry turned to go, but decided to have one last check in the Arinella box. He pulled it from underneath the bed and unlocked it. He pulled out the Arinella and set it on his bedside table, Ginny came right into the room to admire it.

“It really is beautiful.” She said quietly. He looked up at her and was completely astounded to find himself thinking the same thing…about her. He looked away again quickly, shaking his head.

“You ok?” she asked, a concerned expression on her face.

“Er, yeah, fine.” He said and looked into the Arinella box as a diversion. He searched the box quickly and his fingers brushed something. It looked like a piece of fabric sewn into the silken lining. He pulled gently on it, but nothing happened. Shrugging he went reached for the Arinella to put it away again, but Ginny was holding it, staring intently into its depths.

“What is it? He asked.

“Look.” She said motioning him closer. He moved over to where she was standing and looked closely into the Silver mists. The tiny sphere danced around in his eyes then suddenly he let out a little cry. One of the spheres stood out from all the rest. It hadn’t been like that before. They had all been identical silver spheres of light dancing gently around the jar. This one darted violently around, crashing into other spheres and the crystal walls of the jar. But the reason that it stood out so clearly was that instead of being shimmering silver, it was a brilliantly glowing, blood red.
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