Originally Posted by
Mrs. Weasley Edward laughs at Forrester. "I don't know about the rest of the staff, but I'm not used to putting one of these monkey suits on. Everything looks nice. What's the procedure for tonight? Check for invitations and the standard scan?" Edward scans the room. Seems like the standard security measures are already in place. He imagines there will be an anti-aparattion charm in place during the ceremony and the floos will be disengaged. Wouldn't want any uninvited guest showing up. A lot of people would like to make this Brennan's last public engagement. Edward sees Alexa walk over. "Alexa, you look lovely tonight. You must save a dance for me tonight that is if Warren doesn't mind. I hate to have to duel with him during the reception."
Alexa laughed. Smiling at the thought.
"I'll make sure I'll save one. Thank you though." She walked over to Forrester to receive her badge.
Originally Posted by
kami12 "Hi Alexa I hope your fine... You like amazing" Forrester said as he looked at his employees. "Okey please take this and pin them to your cloth" Forrester said as he gave Elwood, Alexa and Edward the same badges as the one he gave Clarissa. "Please wait here till everyone has arrived... And no Edward we will not be handling invitation but regular scanning we are... I will tell you everything as soon as Warren and Cassandra appear and lets not forget Aura" Forrester said as he looked at his employees.
"Actually you all look fine."
Yeah, St. Mungo's loves patients with head problems. THe media always has a field day. 'Our Protection Gone Wacko'. It's enlightning to know I'm not mentally damaged." She smiled and took the badge pinning it to her dress.
"Forrester, has Aura showed up anywhere? I mean is she even okay?"