Visitor Entrance and Security Check-Point *START HERE* Here is where you will arrive by Floo, Portkey or whatever other mode of transportation you have chosen. Before you can step foot in the area marked off for the Cooper/Belle wedding, you must check in with Security. They will be screening to make sure everyone not only was invited, but also is wearing the appropriate attire - black or a shade of purple. If you're not dressed appropriately, Security will change the color of your clothing for you. And if you refuse to have the color changed, you will be refused entrance, by order of the bride!
From here, be sure to stop by the Guest Book and Memory Pensieve to let the couple know you were in attendance!
OOC: Anyone who works for the Ministry is invited to the wedding so don't worry about not actually having a hard copy of the invitation. Only adults are allowed at this wedding, so if you're character isn't of age, they shouldn't be here! The bride and groom aren't particularly fond of children 
Here are some avatars to be worn to show you have passed the security checkpoint with the appropriate attire. If you received loaner clothing from Security, please choose the appropriate avatar! Thanks!   |