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Old 05-27-2008, 11:13 AM   #31 (permalink)
Romanian Longhorn
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Join Date: Nov 2006
Location: Gatsby's.
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Shannon 'Shan' Parker
Fourth Year
JGL ♥ | Wifey + SexyCPR = RAWR. | Co-Inceptor♥ | CHLOCHLO! | Rollie = My Ship

Originally Posted by Crayola View Post

Poor Miles! Poor Sylvia! Poor ... Cassie. XD

Vince is meeeeean. *pokes him*

I love it, Auntie! <3 Post more.
Poor Cassie? Well, I guess you could say that
I know

Originally Posted by Rachie..x View Post
Vannie: *Prod Vince* Hes dating a half blood actuallly!!!

Poor Miles

Luffed it ghosstie
Miles: Ssssh!
Thankyou <33

Originally Posted by Saint Oscar View Post
Wow !! This story is just getting better and better. So keep writting, since I wanna know what happens to Miles.
I will keep writing

Originally Posted by Samia View Post
Whao. Niiiiiiiiiice.
This story is gettting batter and better.

*Agreees with Carrly*
Pooor Miles, Poor Sylvia.. and pooor Cassie

PMAS Holliie Hollliiiaaaaan.
Hehe. Why is everyone feeling sorry for Cassie? Oh well
Next chappie.


Vince was running around the house for his precious little girl. "SYLVIA! Don't listen to Miles! You're not selfish! I know you were trying to help Miles and not let that muggle in!"
Miles sat in the living room. He had told his dad that he had yelled at Sylvia, for the first time in his life. He felt terrible. Sylvia had ran away, the roses outside were as brown as ever, and Slyvia's teddy bear was in the same spot on her bed where Miles had put it weeks ago. He was such an idiot. Why did he yell at this eight year old who was never misbehaving? She didn't deserve it. Miles thought about this. She was protecting him from their dad by locking the door. But she couldn't of, she brought him here by telling him. Miles had no idea what was going, but today was Sunday, and he was meeting Cassie at the park, whether is dad and Sylvia liked it or not.
"Dad, I'm going to look for Sylvia at the park, I'll be back soon."
"Don't you think about going anywhere else, I'm warning, it's your fault this has happened, don't make it worse." Vince pointed his finger at his son.
"Yes ok." Miles walked out of the door and towards the park. He hadn't been to the park for ages, he took Sylvia there a lot. There was a big lake there, and lots of trees. Miles saw Cassie, sat under one, waiting for him.
"Hey." He said, when he finally reached her. She beamed up at him and gestured him to sit with her. This all seemed to familiar.
"I thought you weren't going to come." She said.
"Family problems." Miles mumbled.
"Your dad?"
"Both, my dad and my sister." He sighed. "She's gone missing."
"Missing? Oh! Well, shouldn't you be looking for her?" Cassie sounded a little worried.
"I'm the reason she's gone. I yelled at her."
Miles looked at Cassie and then back at the floor. "Because she locked you out. Trying to make me stay away from you, then she told my dad and he got angry."
Cassie felt a little bit out of place. "But I don't understand. Why is your dad angry that you hang out with me?"
"That's what I thought, but Sylvie told him that we were dating."
"Oh." Cassie's face went slightly red. "Why is your dad angry about that?" Miles couldn't say it was because she was a muggle, he tried to think of something else.
"I didn't tell him. He probobly feels like I don't trust him with stuff, or that I might be keeping other secrets from him."
"Are you?"
"N...." Miles began to say no, but then he thought. He was. But, he couldn't bring himself to remember, he knew it was something about Hogwarts.
"I am." He finally said.
"But what?"
"I actually don't know." He sighed. "I wish I knew."
"It's ok." Cassie smiled, "You still have me." she held his hand. Miles smiled slightly back at her. She was making him feel better. Cassie leaned in and kissed him lightly. She smiled at him with her eyes still closed, by the looks of it, she was loving this. But after a bit, he wasn't.
Miles felt even worse. This wasn't helping. All he wanted was Hogwarts and Sylvia back. He did like Cassie, but his mixed feelings for her and his unhappiness was making his emotions all over the place. Why did summer have to be so difficult? And this secret that he was keeping from his dad, it was killing him, because he had no idea what it was. He felt so annoyed with himself until ...
"Haha." Cassie giggled. "That cloud looks like a shoe."
Miles lifted his face up and stared at her. Cassie looked back at him. ".... What did you say?"
Cassie stared at him oddly as if thinking why he thought this was so important.
"Umm .. I said that cloud looks like a shoe." She pointed at it. "Why?"
"A cloud, that looks like a shoe." He repeated. Cassie giggled. "Well done." She said, leaning in to kiss him again, but he moved away.
"Miles, what's wro.."
"Hold on a second Cass." He said, thinking. Cassie felt a little rejected, but she let this pass and waited for him to finish.
"Cloud, shoe, lake, tree..." Miles started to say keywords.
"Miles, you're scaring me." Cassie said worriedly. "Can you please stop."
"But it's on the tip of my tounge!" He said to her. Miles grinned wildly at her. "The secret! I'm remembering!" He smiled, which made her smile back.
"The secret from your dad?"
"Yes!" Cassie laughed and kept hold of his hand. "Do you want me to help." Miles put his fingers to his lips. "Sssh. Hold on." He said to her.

Miles could feel his face getting hotter, he staered in front of him at the Lake. He could feel her eyes on her.
"Thanks." He said.

"Wow. That was weird." Miles said, after his little flashback. He couldn't see anything, just the lake, himself, and a tree.
"What did you see?" Asked Cassie.
"I was talking to someone. I said 'Thanks' to them."

"Well, I want to." Miles said, smiling at her. He really liked her, and this was a perfect moment to do so. He leaned in and kissed her softly on the lips. When he pulled away they were both blushing.

After his flashback again, Miles noticed that he was kissing Cassie. He pulled away.
"Sorry." He said. "How long have we been doing that?"
"3 minutes." She blushed. "You're pretty good at kissing."
"Thanks." He smiled oddly. He was remembering, but not enough. He needed to know more. And Cassie could help ... somehow.
"Cass." He said. Cassie smiled like a little girl. "Yes?" Miles pulled her into a kiss. Quite a long kiss, longer than the 3 minute one. When he finally pulled away he apologized again.
"You don't need to apologize. We are sort of .. dating now, since we both like each other."
"I've got really bad Deja Vu." Miles said, rubbing his forehead and ignoring what she said about the whole 'dating' thing. they were NOT dating.
"Well, why don't we go to the sweet shop. Maybe sweets will make you feel better?"
Miles chuckled. "Ok then." They both stood up and walked towards Lacock. Cassie kept trying to hold Miles hand, but he was still thinking.

They were nearly there, and Miles' head hurt, the heat and the pain of his head were horrible mixed together. Cassie tried to calm him down, she was finally able to grab his hand.
"It'll come to you soon." She smiled. "What sweets are you having?"
Miles sighed. "I dunno. You can choose for me."
"Ok, then. Liqourice. That's my favourite."
Miles scowled. "Ugh. I hate Liqourice." Miles stopped, his eye wide and he could feel his heart beating faster. Cassie started to panic.
"What's wrong Miles?" She said, standing infront of him. He slowly looked down at her.
"I know." He breathed. "I know it!"
"Know what?..."
"I have to go." Miles said quickly, kissed her on the cheek and ran home.
"DAD!" He shouted when he arived through the door. Vince rand down the stairs and shook his son. "Have you found her!?!?"
"No, but I know why she's gone, and I can bring her back, I may not know where she's hiding, but she will come back when I tell her."
Vince stood there. "That doesn't make any sense boy! You idiot! Where have you been all this time?!"
"Looking for her, but I've figured it out!" He ran back out the door again before his dad could say anything else. Miles ran all the way to Lacock.
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