Originally Posted by
Punk Rock Princess
Cake Thrower luffs Prince Charming xD
They have become good friends
it was a dare! remember! Well, she was dared, cause she thought he was cute XD
Prince Charming
Originally Posted by
AHHHHHHH HAHAHAHAH! I just love it!!!! The other title for this chapter should be "The Girls of Diagon Alley." This is hilarious! I love that the recent punch was included. It was so true to Anna's character. Only Anna would playfully punch a guy and hurt him. haha
Cale is mega popular! Everyone loves him soooo much!
Good times with Cale and Anna

They're friendship is going to get sooo much more complicated once terms starts
Originally Posted by
Bahaha. Yes it was Cora's fault that she fell over him

*Fan girl squeals* I loooove Cale/Cora....or....Corale?
PAMS Lisseh <333333
CORALE! *huggles*
They're such cuties together
Originally Posted by
LOL Lots and lots of friends
I wanna RP with youuu <3
PAMS! <333
Don't tell him how popular he is...it may boost his ego too much XD
Cale needs more guy friends ASAP! 
The Pink Girl So, remember that pretty girl Cale met in the Leaky Cauldron? After a bit of talking, they decided to go do some shopping, and something totally awesome happened.
But first, a guy that Cale had seen only a few times walked up to him, and obviously did not notice that Cale was with Pink Girl. He knew him vaguely as one of Emma's friends, but other than that Cale had not talked to him very much.
Cale has never had someone try so hard to set him up with random strangers.
The worst part was, he asked him, straight up, if he thought his friend, who just happened to be a girl, was cute! In front of Pink Girl!
Cale just wanted to die. Literally, just drop dead. He had no clue what to do; if he said yes, Pink Girl might get mad at him. If he said no, he'd risk offending someone he had never met. If he said nothing, he would look stupid.
But, thankfully, his cousin completely freaked and apologized to Cale, so the whole thing got settled very quickly. And Pink Girl wasn't mad at him. In fact, she thought it was really funny, and that the whole thing was really sweet. And after that, Cale wasn't mad at all.
He'd have to thank that guy when he got to Hogwarts.
Anyways, back to Cale and Pink Girl:
He always thought that he was, by far, the clumsiest person in the world. How many people nearly fall out of their own bedroom windows because they were pretending to be rockstars? Not many. But after talking to Pink Girl, he realized that she may just be as clumsy as him--maybe even clumsier. Within the small amount of time that he had known her, she had managed to not only trip over his big Converse-clad feet, but also hit her head rather hard on the fireplace.
At least Cale hadn't fallen down in front of her yet. But it was only a matter of time.
But the totally awesome part was, that she had grabbed his hand.
The first time, he was pretty sure she hadn't been thinking when she grasped his hand with hers. But then, she grabbed his hand again, and it was most definitely on purpose that time. And Cale totally didn't mind. He just held her hand back.
Looks like Prince Charming may have already found his Cinderella.