Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science! He gave Lola a small smile as she spoke of how she may have just stunned an innocent elf. “It’s ok. We’re both stressed by this.” He reasured her. "I would have done the same thing." He listened to her theory at stopping the elves – she may very well be onto something here. “You’re right. We had a few elves when I was growing up.” He said sadly. “They have to obey their masters. I don't think they have much a choice – but who would that be? Us? The employees of the ministry? Or someone higher up... the Minister of Magic?” He furrowed his brow – his brain was really not functioning properly. “I suppose we’ll just have to wait for this one to wake up and see what happens when given orders.” He hated this. He disagreed with the slavery of house elves in the strongest terms – but they had gone too far taking those kids. And if this is what it took to get them back, then so be it. "If they choose to disobey an order, they punish themselves for it."
Nathan looked over at the other confused looking woman. She seemed irritated by his and Lola’s presence here. He stood there, covered in mud and sweat, looking extremely bedraggled after being soaked to the bone in an indoor thunder storm, having no success getting security to help. He took a deep breath before answering, otherwise he may very well snap. “The ministry house elves are reeking havoc within the ministry. Go and take a look at level eight - that will answer your question, love.” He said, managing to keep his calm. “They have taken some children captive. Muggle children.” Who somehow managed to get into the ministry through (the lack of) security. “An elf rebellion against... us.”
Last edited by noodles; 05-19-2008 at 09:03 PM.