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Old 05-19-2008, 11:01 AM   #17 (permalink)
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Posts: 567

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krysta Hedwig
Sixth Year
Default especially for Krysti...

Chapter 7: The Good, The Bad and the Terrible (part one)

September the first was as insane as any other. Hermione was the first ready, her trunk and bags packed ready to go at 7 a.m., and Ron was the last, dragging his belongings out to the car at the last minute. Despite the delay and an argument between Fred, George and Mrs. Weasley about whether or not Weasley’s Wondrous head expanding Marshmallows would be allowed in Hogwarts, they were away just 10 minutes late and arrived at Kings Cross with 12 minutes to spare.

Ginny almost immediately disappeared with her friend Reena and another girl they didn’t recognise. Once on Platform 9 ¾ they boarded the train and quickly made their way down to the far end of the train. Fred and George disappeared with Lee Jordan half way down, but Harry, Ron and Hermione carried on to the last Compartment, which as always, was empty.

They settled in for the long journey using up as much of the compartment as possible. Crookshanks had a whole seat to himself. Hermione had let him out of his carrier for a while, and he curled up happily on the cushioned fabric. The trolley-lady came and went and Ron and Harry stared in astonishment as Hermione happily ate her way through five chocolate frogs.

“I told you, I’m on make-up time for sugar” she insisted.

The journey went rather peacefully. Fred and George called by with Lee and all of them had a laugh about the journey home last term when all of them had fired curses at Malfoy, Crabbe and Goyle at the same time, causing them to clash and all three of them had passed out in the corridor.

A while later Seamus, Dean and Neville dropped by to see them. They talked excitedly about Harry’s Birthday Party, and were devastated when they heard they’d missed the awesome firework’s display. They asked what else Harry had got for his birthday. He showed them the Quill Sirius had given him, and they all agreed it was a very cool thing to have, and a dreadful shame that he couldn’t use it in class. When he showed them the pendant that had apparently belonged to his Mother they were all fascinated by it. Neville kept turning it over and over in his hands with a look of wonderment on his face.

“It’s very beautiful.” He said quietly. He handed it back to Harry who wrapped it carefully in its velvet cloth, then locked it away in the Arinella box. They were all insanely jealous of his Quidditch set, but all agreed that if anyone should have one, it should be him.

Later, Hermione and Ron played travel Wizard’s Chess, Hermione squealing when her finger got in the way of the Queen’s sword. As they finally pulled into the platform near Hogwarts Hermione looked around strangely.

“What’s up?” asked Ron, his trunk falling on him as he tried to pull it from the rack.

“Oh…nothing. Doesn’t matter.” Ron shrugged and Harry returned the gesture as they all jumped onto the platform. They could see and hear Hagrid bellowing out to the first years.

“Firs’ years this way. Firs’ years. Oh ‘ello ‘arry, ‘ermione, Ron. Nice trip?”

“Too nice.” Said Hermione as she headed off towards the carriages. They stared after her and Harry shrugged in reply to Hagrid’s questioning look.

“Come on, Ron, we better get a carriage. See you later Hagrid.”

“Right you are, ‘arry. Firs’ years! Firs’ years this way.” Hagrid disappeared with a nervous-looking row of first years behind him.

20 minutes later they were taking their seats in the Great Hall. Harry was enjoying himself and the Hall looked wonderful. He and Ron were happily chatting away when Harry felt Ron nudge his arm. He looked at him and Ron nodded to Hermione who wasn’t joining in the conversation and instead, was staring all around the room as if searching for something.

“What is she doing?” whispered Ron and Harry shrugged.

“Who knows? Leave her to it.” He replied and Ron nodded in agreement. They returned to their banter, which happened to be about who the next Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher was going to be. They all turned to examine the head table. All was perfectly normal. Harry smiled back when he received a small wave from Hagrid and a wink from Professor Dumbledore. But none of them could see any unfamiliar face, unless of course, you counted Professor Snape looking decidedly happier than usual.

“I don’t like it when he’s happy. It usually means someone else is suffering.” Muttered Ron, sounding worried. Harry nodded and noticed that Hermione was still gazing around the room.

“Hermione, is something wrong?” asked a bemused Harry.

“What? Oh. I don’t know.” She returned to her staring.

“Well would you care to enlighten us, oh lady of mystery.” Said Ron, sarcastically, causing Harry to snigger. Hermione fixed Ron with an annoyed stare.

“Haven’t you noticed?” she asked in her usual authoritive voice. They shrugged and shook their heads. She rolled her eyes.

“Malfoy.” She said as if she had just solved a highly complicated arithmancy problem. Harry and Ron looked over to the Slytherin table.

“Why? What’s he up to now?” said Ron peering over the heads of the Ravenclaw students.

“I can’t even see him.” Said Harry, doing the same.

“Exactly!” said Hermione. “He isn’t there. And he didn’t come and annoy us on the train as usual. I thought it was strange earlier. I was expecting some kind of horrible trick.” She said staring around the room again.

“Maybe he’s lulling us into a false sense of security. Maybe his Dad’s the new Defence Against The Dark Arts teacher.” Said Ron only half joking. Harry shot him a dark look.

“That’s not even close to funny.” Harry told him and Ron grinned sheepishly.

Just then however their conversation and thoughts were cut short as Professor McGonagall tapped her glass with a spoon, hushing the loud chatter to silence. Professor Dumbledore stood and addressed the room. Harry hadn’t even noticed the line of first years that had entered the room and were standing nervously at the front of the Great Hall.

“Welcome, children, to another year at Hogwarts. In a moment I shall give announcements but first, the First years shall be sorted into their houses.” He spoke loudly his voice filling the room, but somehow gently which always sent a chill up Harry’s spine.

“First years. When I call your name you shall sit on this stool and I shall place the sorting hat on your heads.” Boomed Professor McGonagall over her wire-rim, half-moon glasses. The first years looked terrified. A few Ravenclaws and Gryffindors were whispering words of encouragement to them.

“Don’t worry, it’s not as scary as you think.”

“It’ll be over before you know it.”

One-by-one the first years were called. Brant, Adam was sorted into Hufflepuff. Harry switched off. He continued searching the room for Malfoy. He was confused. Where the hell was he? When Casey, Sharon was sorted into Ravenclaw he was pulled out of his thoughts. That name sounded familiar. He was just thinking this when Hermione spoke.

“Harry, why is that new Ravenclaw waving at you?” He turned to look and saw a chubby little blonde girl with curly ringlets all around her face and brilliant blue eyes. Her face was dressed with a huge grin and she was waving frantically at him from the next table. Harry stared at her for a few moments before it all sank in and began to make sense. He grinned back and waved before mouthing a question to her.

“You’re a witch?” the girl grinned and nodded excitedly. Harry grinned back at the girl.

“Talk later?” she mouthed back to him, and he nodded vigorously. They both turned back to watch the sorting and Harry noticed George, Fred, Ron and Hermione all looking at him very strangely.

“Friend of yours, Harry?”

“Yes, but if she’s a witch, then that means…” McGonagall’s voice drowned him out.

“Casey, Stephen.” A skinny boy with curly black hair took his place on the stool.

“Oh no.” said Harry.

“What’s wrong? He must be her brother, right? Same surname as your little friend there.” Said Hermione motioning to the new Ravenclaw girl.

“Yes, he is.” Said Harry, ominously.

“They don’t look alike.” Said Ron, with Ginny on one side, and Fred on the other. Hermione grinned.

“Not all siblings share physical features, Ron.” He informed him.

“I know!” he answered crossly. He hated it when Hermione patronised him like that. They all fell silent to listen to the sorting hat.

“Mmmm, another Casey. But not like your sister, are you? Brains you have, oh yes. But Ravenclaw is not for you. SLYTHERIN!” cried the hat and Harry’s face fell.

“Should have known.” He murmured to Ron and Hermione. They all noticed the evil sneer Stephen cast in his sister’s direction and the way the little blonde girl recoiled from it.

“Nasty piece of work, that one.” Said Hermione.

“Yeah he is. He’ll fit right in with Malfoy and his little gang…if Malfoy eventually turns up, that is.” Harry told them looking around the room again.

Last edited by Krysta; 05-19-2008 at 11:03 AM. Reason: title
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