Yeahhh, Mr White! Yeah science! “This is ridiculous. I asked security for assistance, but they’re so damn slow off the mark. By the time they pull their finger out the whole Ministry’s going to be in complete chaos.” He shook his head. “There’s no sign of them on this level. Have you been to level four yet?” he asked.
Nathan winced slightly at the sound of the fireworks exploding nearby. He pointed his wand in their direction, “Aguamenti” he muttered, dousing the flames in water. “To Level four?” he said as Lola asked what the next move should be. “C’mon, love.” he said, making his way towards the lifts. He hoped to hell they hadn’t got to level three yet where Egypt would be. ooc: Really sorry but I have to go. I'll reply to level four tomorrow if I'm not too late. Night night. x
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