OK, seeing that we aren't organizing ourselves very well I made a list, here:
Backslash - 3rd year
ashpg_hermione - 3rd year
fairladyHermione - 3rd year
Mystic~Shadow~Sky - 3rd year
lightstar1154 - 3rd year
demented_death_eater - 3rd year
quidditch_chick - 3rd year (?)
Treamayne - 2nd year
Firebolt7 - 2nd year/3rd year (?)
hpgirl476 - 2nd year
Aschere_Tonks - 2nd year (?)
Kahlana - 2nd year (?)
voldemortsucks - 1st year (?)
Didymus - 1rst year
spacepirate4 - 1st year
memommy27 - 1st year
ronslilpyro - 1st year
The ones with question marks are because I don't know what year are them, but seeing the numbers of 1st, 2nd and 3rd years I suggest we split up in teams like this:
TEAM 1: Backslash, fairladyHermione, Mystic~Shadow~Sky (3rd years), Treamayne, Firebolt7 (2nd years), and voldemortsucks, Didymus, spacepirate4 - (1st years)
TEAM 2: lightstar1154, demented_death_eater, quidditch_chick, ashpg_hermione (3rd years), hpgirl476, Aschere_Tonks, Kahlana (2nd years), and memommy27,
ronslilpyro - (1st year)
Seeing that the numbers are uneven... oh! Wait! I hadn't added myself - I'll be part of Team 1 then^^
Click the siggy piccy to read the adventure... Siggy by Biochemkris for the 3rd Day of Potter Sierra + Lowlow +Julia = Ultimate Nadia Fangirls |