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Old 08-19-2003, 01:35 AM   #18 (permalink)
Join Date: Dec 2002
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This is a peice I wrote a while ago.. thought I would show you guys.... (this is also in my Blurty... tee hee hee)


...It feels like only yesterday, when my sister and I actually got along, we would watch the raindrops slip off the windows. We'd each pick one and race them down the glass, the winner's raindrop reaching the window sill first. She always won. I think that was only because I liked the cute little raindrops that took their time picking their way through the other raindrops to reach the bottom. Aimee always chose the ones that flew right down, carelessly bumping into the others, and taking them down with it.
It feels like only yesterday, when my sister and I actually got along, I would be invited to sleep in her room on Christmas Eve and we would wake eachother up before dawn, race eachother down the stairs, dump out our stockings, and analize our loot. We would attempt to put them back the way we found them and make our way quietly into the living room where the tree was. In silence, we would compliment each other on the fabulous gifts we recieved from "Santa" (whom I never beleived in, but Aimee did, for my sake) and go back up stairs to bed until seven when we would awake my parents and open presents.
It feels like only yesterday, when my sister and I faught a bit, she would take a long time to braid my hair in two almost perfect plaits and tie them with bows before we were to go some place. Of course, I would go look in the mirror, determine that I looked too girly and she made them uneven and then destroy them, making my sister red with fury. I felt bad, but that wasn't until after I had pulled them out and saw the look upon my sister's face.
It feels like only yesterday, when my sister and I faught a bit, that she would go in my closet after I left for school and borrow a shirt to wear that day. I would come home and see her in my shirt and go crazy, complaining to my mother that she had borrowed my favorite shirt without my permission and stained it with juice. The stain, of course, being the one I had put on it the week before. Then, the next day, I would find myself foraging through her closet, just as she had done, and borrowing something without her permission. The row would begin when I arrived home, and then I would come to the conclusion that we were "even".
It feels like only yesterday, when my sister and I rarely got along, that we were both graduating from our schools. She from high school, I from junior high. As I watched her recieve her diploma, I realized that Aimee, the same ditzy teenager that drives horribly, can make me laugh hysterically, make me so angry, and so happy, was not only a genius, but my sister. My sister. My sister that races raindrops, disects stockings, steals my clothes, and makes me furious, is going off to college. Going of to college and leaving us behind. Me behind. My sister is my Vogue magazine, my cheuffer, my enemy, my best friend, and my dictator. She is also the same person that I have taken for granted for a long time now.
I tell every one that I won't miss her at all, that I will be happy she is gone, that I will finally be able to get all the attention, play the role of an only child, and not be baby sat. I may tell every one that, but inside, it is all a lie.
I know I will miss her. It will hit me some time soon that her clothes will no longer be in her closet, my toothpaste will no longer be stolen, and the tapping of her dance shoes on the garage floor will no longer be heard. We will no longer share laughter, no longer scream obscene things at each other, no longer share our victories and defeats. The door to her bright pink room will always be closed, just like it is now, but when I knock to go in, I will not hear the sound of my sister's voice telling me to leave her alone, or the sweet coo of her accepting my presence. I will hear nothing. Just the echo of my fist hitting the door three times and the silence after wards.
It feels like only yesterday, when my sister and I actually got along, we were just children. Enjoying each other's company; laughing together, singing together, dancing together, fighting together, crying together, and just being together.
It was the best of times, it was the worst of times, it was the epoch of belief, it was the epoch of incredulity, it was the season of Light, it was the season of Darkness, it was the spring of hope, it was the winter of despair, we had everything before us, we had nothing before us, we were all going direct to Heaven, we were all going direct the other way. And now it's over, yet it has just begun.

© Erin Leigh/ Professor Loel 2003

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