Cambell made it back to her desk but didnt sit down. She wrote down her full assingment quickly, grabbed what she needed, and took a quick sip of hot tea. Then she was off to level eight to get her things finished. She needed to finish this assingment today so she could help with some other arrangements...
__________________ The Tales of Lily, Severus, and the Marauders - Sa13+ = My Fan Fiction! GO READ IT! {Laylee&Chandan} Will they ever be together? {Laylee&Maura}=Best Friends <3 {*GWFC*=My fav!!}{Harry Potter=Obsession!}{TWILIGHT!!!!=Best EVER}{SS=Happiness!} {Cambell Anne Robinson}{Minister of Magic Office}
Last edited by Keysquah; 05-17-2008 at 03:15 PM.