Originally Posted by
Amelie “Nice to meet you, Lola.” Nathan replied with a smile. "Shame about the circumstances." He claimed back his hand, which was now covered in dirt, thanks to Lola, as well as being wet. He wiped it on the back of his jeans, leaving a nice muddy hand print behind. He smirked at Lola. “Sorry about that, love.” He said looking at her now mudified hand and dirty handkerchief.
He shook his head, “I’m afraid so.” he nodded at the top of the fountain to where the space was where the wizards head should have been. “They’re also responsible for that handy work." He looked down into the filthy water to see the head was still there. Maintenance were almost as bad as security in this place… non existent. Everything seemed to be left up to the Law Department, at least that was Nathan’s current grumpy view on the situation.
He nodded when Lola said they needed to find the elves and the kids. They would have to search the entire ministry if that’s what it took. He pulled out his wand, not particularly wanting to have to use it. Elf magic was a completely different kettle of fish to wizard magic. Nathan really didn’t know what he would be dealing with here. “We need to get message to Level two.” He said. Back up would be very welcome.
He mirrored her frown. “I informed my boss. I don’t know what else I could have done.” Merlin! Everyone around here seemed to think that as a member of the MLES, Nathan would know exactly what to do in such situations. But the truth was, he was completely and utterly clueless.
Nathan scratched his head uncomfortably at the sudden tension in the air. He subconsciously backed away a couple of steps from the two women. Best just to stay out of the way. He looked over at Angelina, hoping for a distraction… she had gone strangely quiet.
She looked at Nathan, she didn't mean to upset him.
"I'm sorry Nathan." She gave him a smile. She shook all of the mud out of her hair. Her blue sundress was soaking wet as well, but it wasn't as oppressive as her wet robes had been.
"Ok we should split up and search all the levels." She announced since they weren't going to get any help anytime soon.
Originally Posted by
maritoy Lola shook her head. "Wanting freedom is one thing, kidnapping is another. These elves aren't bonkers because they want freedom, they're mad because they KIDNAPPED muggle children. She glared at the woman. But her annoyance with the witch needed to be set aside. "Never mind the politics, where did these elves go and where did they get the children from?" Lola ringed her dusty hands with anxiety. "Those kids must be so confused", she worried. "And these elves could be almost everywhere, because once in the Ministry, there are very few places one can't go. They really ought to tighten security..." Lola noted.
Egypt pulled herself up to her full height, which wasn't much seeing as how she was barely 5 feet tall.
Boy did she need to work that stretching charm. She rarely got upset but she was really mad right now. This witch was yelling at her. She glared daggers at the witch, but she bite back a retort. It wasn't about her righteous anger right now. They needed to find the children and get this thing under wraps.
Originally Posted by
maritoy Lola, having just come down off the lift, just heard the various departments and levels. "Magical Creatures are on Level Four." Lola wished she could be more helpful. She stood back and surveyed the damage. She couldn't believe this was happening. Lola scratched her head and began to pace. She felt so helpless, just standing by this fountain. "Have you sent notices to all the departments, maybe they could be on the lookout... But then again, if the elves are making such a mess, people have to notice anyhow."
"I sent a patronous to level two." Egypt looked around and no one was coming to help she wasn't sure what else she could do at this point.