Vanessa the Snot Girl l Rachels Rule | rock,tumble,&roll ❆ adorable coffee bean Quote:
Originally Posted by Crayola Wheeeeeeeeeeeee!!
Daughter has a FF!!  I liked it alot, Rachie..  And those twins are just hilarious. XD
Btw, craving their names into their tree is lovely.
Keep it up!  *snuggles mummy*
I luff the twins Quote:
Originally Posted by Dracos_Lady Eeeeeee. RACHIE HAS A FIIIC *dies* It's super brill m'dear <33333
PAMS  Awwh Thanks Amy Quote:
Originally Posted by Hollister 
I feel so loved that you used my name
PAMS. <333333 Your name owns Chapter 2
Vannie had arrived home from her first academic year at Hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry her head full of the past years memories. Mainly of her new found love. Miles Parker.
They had met accidentally. Mainly with her not paying any attention what so ever and bumping into him. Ironically and maybe karma related she had ended up on the floor. Not the best situation for some as small as she is.
This meeting and led them to endure a long conversation at the lake, under a tree which eventually came to be their tree. This conversation wasn’t as bad as it seemed and the two seemed to be getting on quite well. Maybe too well in some peoples opinion. But soon after the meeting the pair seemed to be spending an awful amount of time together, so it wasn’t too surprising to find that the pairing turned into a couple. Vannie loved Miles quite a lot. Maybe too much at her age but still she cared for him quite a lot. She had even tried to get him to like liquorice wands on the train journey home. Unfortunately he refused and began to eat chocolate frogs much to Vanessa’s annoyance.
As usual she had decided to spend much of the summer holiday in her bedroom, away from the drama of the twins. Hollie and Cloe left destruction where ever they trod which meant that Vanessa stayed well clear. Alone in her room she was able to dwell on her thoughts, especially with the help of some loud muggle music which usually drowned out the various booms and bangs from the floors below. She usually drew a lot as well. Although her drawings were not that good. She’d never make it as a top selling artist.
Her two sisters never dared come into her room. Vannie thought it was because they were scared of her but it was actually because they were scared of the ‘Sweeney Todd’ posters which covered one side of her room. Vanessa was one for musicals, especially horror ones. Sweeney Todd was her favourite and she was often humming it around the house.
“Cloe eat your sprouts,” Winifred instructed as the four of them sat around the dinner table. Dinner time was one of the only times that Vanessa would step out of her bedroom, not wanting to be pulled away from her thoughts.
Cloe had shaken her head and pushed her plate away in disgust. The youngest of the twins hated vegetables and wouldn’t dare to touch one.
“Cloe Corbette. You will eat a sprout or you will not leave this table,” Her mother instructed fiercely. Reluctantly the girl ate the vegetable will a look of horror on her face as Vanessa slipped away without eating any of hers. It was a known fact that Vanessa was the favourite. Vannie liked it that way.
It seemed that she had yet to be affected by the twins.
__________________ It's the end of the show. Of the historemix. We switched up the flow. And we changed the prefix 
But we want to say. Before we drop the curtain. Nothing is for sure. Nothing is for certain |