Thread: Harry Potter: Chapstick - Sa13+
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Old 05-09-2008, 07:49 PM   #59 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elizabeth Brecker

A/N: Okay, this is it everybody! The last chapter of Chapstick! A big thanks to everyone who reviewed, I love you all so much!!! I'm so glad you guys like my story, and I hope you guys like the ending…
If you guys are interested, I am considering doing a sequel. So, tell me what you think… and if you want a sequel!!!
Oh, and for those of you who are also reading my other story, Starting Over, I won’t be able to update today, because I have not yet gotten the next chappies back from my beta. But its coming!
Now, enjoy!!


Thus ends the tale of Draco Malfoy’s search for chapstick which completely changed his life.

“Are you two telling the kids that story again?” the smooth voice of his pregnant wife had the blonde-haired man seated on the floor turning around almost at once. He smiled at her.

“Aw, c’mon Granger,” Blaise smirked. Old habits die hard, and he had continued calling her Granger through the years. “They love it.”

“Speak for yourself!” declared thirteen-year-old Connor from the leather chair where he was seated with a book. “I must have heard that story at least a thousand times.”

“But it’s so sweet!” argued fifteen-year-old Dawn as she braided her long blonde hair.

“Yeah, sure, but, Dad, could you cut on the details of the kissing?” thirteen-year-old Jacob complained. Connor nodded in earnest from behind his book.

“Aw, you don’t like hearing about your mum and mine’s first kiss?” Draco Malfoy teased his children.

“I don’t like hearing about any of your kisses,” mumbled Connor.

“You should try having to watch them snog in front of you while trying to have a conversation,” Blaise smirked, remembering the times he and Pansy had covered for the other couple. Over the years the four had gone on many double dates, the girls taking a while to develop their tentative friendship of today. “Doesn’t work.”

“Ewwww…” Connor protested, making a face that echoed his twin’s.

“Oh, stop teasing them,” Hermione chastised, sitting down in a comfy chair. Her husband stood up, walking over behind her chair, resting his hands on her shoulders.

“But it’s so much fun,” he whispered in her ear. She simply smiled.

“How’re you feeling?” he continued, hands sneaking down to cover her protruding stomach.

“Fine.” She replied, turning her head to place a gentle kiss on his cheek.

“Good,” he murmured, letting his head fall to give her a real kiss.

“Ugh,” Connor pulled his book in front of his face. “Do you have to do that in here?”

“What can I say,” Draco smirked, eyes sparkled, “I never could get enough of her chapstick.”

Blaise simply shook his head, mind drifting back to his own wife at home with their four children.

“Why don’t we head into the other room?” he suggested as the other couple began what was sure to end up another snog session.

“Why do we have to leave?” Jacob whined, standing to his feet anyways as he did spoke, “We were here first.”

“It’s bad enough knowing my parents are having another baby,” Connor agreed, shuddering as he followed his brother, book still in hand.

“Why do our parents have to actually still love each other?” Jacob whispered to his brother.

“Oh, c’mon you guys,” Dawn interrupted, catching up to the two boys. “It’s cute!”

“Beats me,” Connor responded, almost as if Dawn hadn’t said anything. “Sure does have the downsides though.”

“Yeah,” Jacob agreed fervently, “At least James and Lily get paid to leave the house when their parents go insane!”

Blaise chuckled and followed the kids out as the two of them continued talking.

“Hey, wanna here the one about when your Dad proposed?” he offered with a grin.

Twin groans filled the air as Jacob and Connor collapsed onto the couch.

“Oh, I like that one!” Dawn smiled, pulling out a container of nail polish to keep her occupied during Blaise’s storytelling.

In the other room, Blaise heard the married couple part just long enough for Draco to ask Hermione a question before shutting the door, shaking his head, and smirking; practically hearing his best friend’s eyebrows waggle with that statement.

“Do you still have some of that chapstick?”

SKITTLES .:Spuffy Addict:. ~Science/Math Geek~

NO PINK! Lizzy + Sarah = Best Friends!
My fanfic ... Chapstick

Last edited by hpbookworm; 05-09-2008 at 11:29 PM.
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