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Old 05-06-2008, 05:44 PM   #51 (permalink)
Join Date: Jan 2008
Location: G-Town
Posts: 887

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Hailey James Wood
Fourth Year
Magnificent Malfoy Weasleyed: By the Twins

omG guys!! the next chapter is all yours!!
I'll post the questions for chapter 7 sometime tomorrow, but until then, read and enjoy!! =]

Chapter 6: Escape

Ron was in the Hospital Wing for the next three weeks. He had various broken bones and bruises. Harry had been the only one to visit him. News of what had happened between him and Hermione had gotten around the school fast, and Ron was looking at his final days at Hogwarts. But what was even more interesting, was news of how Draco Malfoy had defended Hermione Granger. That had seemed to have gotten around even faster. Soon, almost everyone had their own version of the story, making Draco laugh and Hermione shake her head.

The only good part about people talking about them was that things couldn’t get much worse. They could finally hang around together in public. With the occasional glare from a disappointed Gryffindor and a disgusted Slytherin, Draco and Hermione spent most of their time with each other, or with Harry and Ginny (who had started seeing each other a few weeks before).

“This is disgusting. Watching them talk to each other like they were equals.”
“Just get over it Pansy.”
Blaise had heard almost every insult in the book from Pansy about Hermione, and he had enough.
“I won’t. I’m not going to allow my boyfriend to hang around with that filth.”
“Pansy! He isn’t your boyfriend! He never was your boyfriend and he’ll never be your boyfriend! When are you going to get that through your thick head?!”

Pansy watched in shock as Blaise walked toward Draco, with Crabbe and Goyle following behind.
“Where do you think you two are going?!”
“We’re not listening to you, you witch.” Crabbe shouted.
Pansy screamed and stomped away in fury, trying to form a full-proof plan in her mind.

Draco turned his head away from his new group to see Blaise, Crabbe, and Goyle coming towards them. He stood up, making Hermione look up at him, and made his way over in their general direction.
“How’re things?” Crabbe asked.
Draco looked at the three of them questioningly.
“How’re things?”
“Yeah, how’re things?”
“Why would you ask me that, Crabbe? Do you think things are great? Do you think I’m happy and fine? What do you bloody think, Crabbe? If you think at all!”

Crabbe had backed away and almost shrunk down in size as Draco advanced on him. Draco was clearly angry at Crabbe and Goyle for following Pansy around for the past few weeks. Blaise shot Crabbe a warning glare for the next time he decided to open his mouth and began talking a quick cover.
“Relax, Draco.”
“They following you around now?”
“Yeah. No big.”
“Everything is big about these two.”
Draco turned around and sat back down next to Hermione, who was laughing with Harry and Ginny. Noticing that he had returned, she looked up at the three, who looked at each other curiously. Deciding that they probably had no where else to go, she looked to Draco who shrugged his shoulders.

“Would you guys like to join us?”
The three smiled and they sat near the circle of friends. Groups of students walked by astonished, whispering as they past quickly. After another hour or so, Draco leaned in and whispered into Hermione’s ear.

“Want to get out of here?”
She looked at him quickly and whispered back.
“And go where, may I ask?”
“I don’t know. Back to the dorm? Somewhere away from all these people.”
Draco had begun kissing her ear and neck lightly, making her gasp quietly.
“Alright, alright. Stop that.”

Draco smirked and stared at her. She looked around and stood up, with Draco following.
“Where you guys going?” Harry asked.
“Draco and I have to meet up with Professor McGonagall to discuss some Prefect matters. We’ll see you guys at dinner.”
“Okay, see you later.”

After everyone said their goodbyes, Draco and Hermione slowly walked up to their common room and plopped onto the couch. Draco started the fire in the fireplace and laid his head back against the couch. Hermione sat next to him and adjusted herself so that her head was resting in his lap. He looked down for a moment, and smirked.

“Yes? Anything I can help you with?”
“What are you thinking about?”
“What kind of a question is that?”
“A very good one. Now answer it.”
“For someone who wants an answer, you’re being a little rude.”

Hermione smiled and looked up at Draco. She could only see his chin so she reached up and pulled his head so he was looking down at her.
“Then I guess I’m acting just like you. Now answer.”
Draco chuckled. “You don’t want to know what I’m thinking about.”
“I wouldn’t have asked if I didn’t want to know.”
“Well, let’s pretend that you didn’t ask and end this conversation.”

Sitting up, Hermione frowned.
“Don’t give me that look. I invented that look and it doesn’t work on me.”
Hermione smiled and moved across Draco so that she was sitting on him with her legs on either side of him. Draco looked up at her and smirked.

“More like me everyday, aren’t we Granger?”
She rolled her eyes and pulled Draco into a kiss. He pulled away and stared at her for a minute.

“What’s the matter?”
“Nothing. What was that for?”
“Do I need a reason?”
Draco smirked. “No.”

They went back and forth like that for hours. Kissing, arguing, and kissing again. Though neither of them seemed to mind. The kisses, as harmful and innocent as they seemed, had begun turning into needy, passionate ones. Draco roughly kissed Hermione, but Hermione did the same. They didn’t realize what all that might turn into until the next morning, when they woke up in Draco’s room, huddling with each other under the covers for warmth.

“HONESTLY, RONALD!! Of all the people you could hit, you hit Harry! Your best friend!”
“AND THEN! You use a CRUTACIOUS on Hermione?! How could you?! That poor, sweet girl has been nothing but nice and kind to you!”
“And now this fight with Draco Malfoy! What are we going to do with you Ronald Bilis Weasley?”
“Mum, stop! I have my reasons.”
“There is NO reason, at all, for using an Unforgivable on one of your friends. On anyone for that matter. Your father and I raised you better!”
“I don’t want to hear this Mum.”
“Well, that’s just too bad isn’t it? You’re lucky Hermione’s parents aren’t doing anything legal about this. You’re lucky the school is letting you continue your education at home for the rest of the term.”
“Well then! I’M JUST A LUCKY GUY, AREN’T I?!”
“Don’t raise your voice to me, young man.”
“DON’T TALK TO ME! I can’t stand everyone thinking that Hermione and Malfoy are not a problem! MALFOY?! What in bloody hell are you people thinking?!”

With that Ron ran up the stairs of the Burrow and slammed his bedroom door shut. Molly Weasley still stood in the kitchen, her face red and her anger subsiding. What had gone wrong with him? She made herself busy cleaning and making tea to try and get her mind off of Ron for a while, when she heard an ominous boom come from upstairs. She raced up the stairs, only to find Ron’s door closed and smoke coming out from underneath it. Opening the door, she gasped and ran back down the stairs to call Arthur on the floo network.

The sun shone through the stain-glass windows, shimmering green and yellow light across the room. Draco woke slowly, wincing at the light and silently cursing the sun. He had gone in and out of sleep for the past few hours, thoughts of everything that had happened to him rushing through his mind. He smiled down at the sleeping body huddled in his arms. The memories of the night before flowed through his mind. Him. Hermione. Kissing. Touching. Her body crushing against his. Her skin was so soft. Draco couldn’t have been happier. Just as soon as he thought about this, an owl appeared at his window. Tapping and scratching at it. Carefully moving Hermione so she wouldn’t wake, he went over to the window and opened it.

“Shut it, you lousy bird.”
The black owl squawked loudly and stuck its leg out to Draco.

“Be quiet, damn it!”
He untied the letter and ripped it open, scanning over the words that his mother had written.

My Dear Son,
I hope you’re doing well in school this term. You know how much it would mean to me if you got the rest of your grades up in something other than potions.

Draco rolled his eyes at this.

I got the letter you sent me two weeks ago. About that girl. I’m very happy for you, Draco. Though I am surprised that she is a Muggle. That is actually why I’m writing. You’re father has escaped Azkaban today, with the help of the Dark Lord. He wants to come and get you so you may receive the Dark Mark. Don’t worry too much, I have persuaded him to wait until the school year is over.
Take extra care of her, Draco. If your father was to find out, I don’t know what might happen. You must protect her. Take care and I’ll see you at Christmas.


Frustration swept over Draco quickly. Why did his father have to escape now? Of all times! He crumpled up the letter and threw it on the floor. Taking out his wand, he pointed it at the letter.


The letter burst into flames, causing the owl to squawk loudly and fly out of the room through the window.
“Damn bird.” He said under his breath. He looked at the burning letter once more and kicked the table in anger.

“Aguamenti.” The command was spoken softly from behind him. Draco sighed and rested his hands on his head.

“I didn’t mean to wake you up.”
Hermione was sitting up in the bed with the blankets wrapped around her.

“No, you planned on burning the room down.”
He turned and gave her a small smile. Hermione frowned and scooted over.

“Come here.”
Draco walked over and lay down on the bed next to Hermione. She lay down next to him and ran her fingers through his hair. Draco closed his eyes and put his arms around Hermione, bringing her closer.

“What did your mother say?” she asked.
He opened his eyes and looked at her questioningly.

“I saw the address on the envelope.”

Draco groaned and threw a pillow over his head and screamed.

“Draco! Calm down! It can’t be that bad.”

Draco ripped the pillow away from his face and stared at her intently. She smiled at him and rubbed his cheek with her hand, wiping his tears away.

“What’s the matter?”

He was silent for a moment, before reaching his hand up to touch hers and sighed.

“My father…has escaped Azkaban. With the help of the Dark Lord.”

Hermione’s smile faded and she looked at him seriously. He closed his eyes and continued to talk.

“His plan was to come and take me out of school. So I could receive the Dark Mark. Thankfully, though, my mother suggested that he wait until the summer. I, at least, don’t have to worry about it ‘til then.”

“You’re not going to take it, are you?”

“Hermione.” he looked into her eyes. She was almost pleading with him, begging him not too. He sighed and pulled her close.

“What choice do I have? If I don’t take it, then I’m putting my family at risk, and when I say my family I mean my mother. If I do take it, you’re going to hate me forever. Aren’t you?”

“Well…I’m not going to be very happy.”

Draco looked at her and waited for her to continue. When she didn’t he ran his hands over her body and took a deep breath.


“But, it’s your mother. And I guess that if getting the Dark Mark keeps her safe and out of harms way, then that’s what you have to do.”

Draco smiled and kissed her forehead.

“I knew you would understand. You do realize that I don’t want it at all, right?”

“Yeah…I know.”

The room was consumed by silence. Draco couldn’t stop thinking about his father. Of course the Dark Lord would break him out; it was only a matter of time before it happened. His father was his best Death Eater. The best in the ‘business’ you could say. Draco scowled at this thought and tried to burn it out of his mind. He would be coming for him, he knew it. He looked to Hermione and fear swept through him. What would happen if Lucius found out about her? Draco shuddered at the thought but he knew he couldn’t keep it from him for long.

‘But I’m going to sure as hell try.’

“Why are you here?”

“I need your help.”

“Why would you need my help?” Pansy asked.

She had been sitting by herself in the Slytherin common room, something she does most often these days, when a mysterious figure caught her attention.

“Because you hate the situation as much as I do. Together, we can tear them apart. Piece by piece. Until there’s nothing left.”

“I don’t know what you’re talking about. What situation? Tear who apart?”

“Don’t play stupid with me, Parkinson. Don’t you want your precious Draco back?”

Pansy gasped at the sound of Draco’s name and stared hard at the figure. How did this person know that she wanted Draco for herself and away from that Mudblood? Thinking about everything the man offered, a sly smile crept onto her face. The man laughed a light, menacing laugh.

“We have a deal?” He spoke calmly.

She looked at the figure and grinned.


Harry and Hermione were walking the halls together, spending some much needed time with each other. Harry couldn’t help but notice a certain glow about her, it radiated off and seemed to bring a calm happiness to everything it touched.

“Why are you so happy?” he asked smiling.

“Everything’s just been going really well the past few weeks.”

“Things are going well with Draco then, I assume?”

Hermione blushed and smiled.

“Very well.” She replied.

Harry nodded, apparently understanding that that’s all he was going to get out of her. He figured that he didn’t really want to know anymore. He stopped though, when she got this far off look in her eyes.

“What’s wrong?”

“Well, you sort of reminded me of something that I was going to tell you.”

“Okay? What is it?”

“Harry, Lucius escaped this morning.”

Harry’s eyes grew wide and filled with hate.


“Voldemort…” she said quietly.
Fear and anger struck Harry’s heart. The worst that could be expected had happened. And it could only get worse from here. Nothing could be said about what Voldemort would do now that he had his best man back working for him.

“I need to tell McGonagall.”

Hermione nodded and watched as Harry went off, running, towards the Headmaster’s office. She turned once Harry was out of sight, and continued walking down the hall. Thoughts consumed her mind and she suddenly began to worry about Ron.

‘Don’t worry about that ****. He almost killed you with that curse, he’s none of your concern now.’

But still, she couldn’t help but wonder how he was doing. He had never acted out like that before. Towards anyone! Punching Harry, attacking her, getting into a devastating fight with Draco. It just didn’t make any sense. With that thought in her mind, she figured she’d floo Mrs. Weasley, just to make sure all was well.

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