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Old 05-03-2008, 04:19 PM
lemondrop13 lemondrop13 is offline
Default Professor Macadrian A. Shackleton's Office

As you enter Professor Macadrian Shackleton's Office, previous students would take notice of how vastly different it looks from her former office in Hogwarts. Where once stood a large, heavy mahogany desk and tall purple suede armchair, now sits a fairly small, less ornately designed desk, one much less impressive, with a small, straight-backed wooden chair behind it. And stuck to the front of that unimpressive desk, was the most hideous of things Macadrian had to face since finding out Hogwarts was no more:

The Minister and his wife couldn't even spell her name correctly! And on top of that, they'd used a dusty old piece of wood to make this nameplate that wouldn't come unstuck! The Sticking Charm holding it to the front of the desk was the strongest she'd ever seen. She'd tried numerous times to remove it, to no avail. She'd even tried changing the lettering to the correct spelling, but nothing. She was forced to deal with it and each time she entered her own office she glared at that nameplate. Her history with the Minister no doubt had some role in this treatment.

The room has only one bookcase, which hardly fits a third of Professor Shackleton's Arithmancy resources. The rest of her books are currently found in boxes in the corner of the small room. There is but one small window in the office behind Professor Shackleton's desk, which looks out over Hogsmeade. The view was the only thing decent in the room and that's merely because Clara Belle couldn't arrange to have it taken away!

In an attempt to personalize this space, Macadrian set up on the desk photo frames with numerous moving pictures of her identical sisters, her parents, other family and friends. There are several new photographs on the desk this year, nearly every one containing a picture of Professor Fabian Clark. Some are pictures of she and him doting over Professor Vindictus' newborn baby Ethan, others on their random day trips to a number of places in London and Ireland.

While last year her desk contained a vase with her favorite flowers and a number of candles, those things have been cleared to make way for the new photo frames and an assortment of small gifts from Fabian, not to mention the desk was smaller and had less space to fit everything. As always, an ink well and a peacock feather quill, a fresh blank piece of parchment, and plenty of books on the subject of Arithmancy are laid out neatly on the desk.

The coffee table and chairs that once stood in Professor Shackleton's old office were no more. A few uncomfortable looking chairs are set up in front of her desk instead. Professor Shackleton arranged to have her own small wooden cabinet with a glass front containing mugs, glasses, and small plates for entertaining company, such as students or other staff members, brought over from Hogwarts. In an attempt to warm up the coldness and impersonal nature of the room, Professor Shackleton always has a fresh pot of hot cocoa warming above the fire in the fireplace.

While numberical calculations are always floating in midair, clearly put there by a simply-cast Flagrate spell, there are also a significant amount of runes chasing them around the room, a tribute and reminder of Fabian while they're apart. Curled up on a cushion on the floor beside her desk is Professor Shackleton's Birman cat. The cat peers around occasionally with her piercing deep sapphire eyes and then returns her head to rest on the cushion. She's clearly not happy with the change in scenery, preferring to sit in the sills of the large windows in Shackleton's former office.

Of course, you do not see any of the office's contents until you knock on Professor Shackleton's door and she greets you to come in... Lucky you.

OOC: Please do not chat outside my office door. It makes it much more difficult for me to sift through the posts to find the ones to respond to. Thanks!