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Old 05-02-2008, 07:06 PM   #2 (permalink)
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Join Date: May 2008
Location: Leicester, UK
Posts: 567

Hogwarts RPG Name:
Krysta Hedwig
Sixth Year

Chapter Two: Half A Bus Ride

Everything was packed. His trunk was at the bottom of his bed with Hedwig’s cage perched on the top. Hedwig herself was sitting on Harry’s desk bobbing up and down impatiently as Harry hastily scribbled away on a piece of parchment. He stopped briefly to pour Hedwig some more water into her saucer.

“Drink up, girl. Gonna be a long night.” She bobbed again, tweaked his finger gently and bowed her head to nip at the water. He went back to his hasty scrawl. One letter lay already sealed and ready to go. The addressee was simply “The Weasley Family” and read along the lines of:

Dear Ron, Mr. And Mrs. Weasley and family,

I’m really sorry to do this to you on such short notice. It has become impossible to stay here a day longer. Dudley and his friend accused me of putting curses on them and I really don’t know where else to turn. My Aunt and Uncle are livid, and Uncle Vernon is talking of kicking me out the moment I turn sixteen. I have nowhere else to turn. You are my closest friends, and I pray you will not turn me away. I must leave now before they return. I know these are dangerous times, but I’m left with no choice. I’m leaving on the Knight bus as soon as it turns dark, and hope to be with you by the morning.

Your desperate friend,


Harry’s second letter was, of course, to his Godfather Sirius. He explained the circumstances and the events over breakfast and told him his plan to leave that night for The Burrow. He thought about adding a section about how he was aware of the dangers of wandering around at night unprotected in such dark times, and that he had no choice, but decided to leave it as it was. Finally finished, he tied the two letters to Hedwig’s leg and bid her farewell.

As the sun was beginning to set an hour later, Harry slipped his wand into his back pocket, hidden by the bottom of his sweater and put his money bag into his jeans pocket. Checking around the room one last time he dragged his trunk down the stairs and out the front door hiding it beneath one of Aunt Petunia’s vicious Rhododendron bushes, scratching himself in the process. He tucked Hedwig’s cage beside the trunk and slipped back inside. He didn’t know when the Dursleys were going to be returning home. He hadn’t even found out where it was they were going. But he waited patiently, until at 9 o’clock they still hadn’t returned and the sun had completely set. Sunset came so late mid-summer and Harry had been impatiently watching the shadows grow longer until finally the only light came from the street lamps outside. Harry couldn’t wait any longer. He tip-toed down the stairs before realising there was no one around and ran down the remaining steps and stood at the front door, breathing slowly. Finally he worked up the courage, and opened the door as quietly as he could, stepping outside into the cool summer night. He already felt better. He carefully pulled his trunk out from the bush, picked up Hedwig’s cage and made his way to the end of the drive. He searched the far-end of the cul-de-sac as if expecting the Dursleys’ car to suddenly turn the corner into the road. Nothing. All curtains were drawn in the neighbours’ houses and not one of them was twitching. He quickly but quietly made his way along the pavement and put of Privet Drive for what he hoped would be the last time he’d ever have to see it. If Uncle Vernon had meant what he said, he wouldn’t be coming back here next summer. Harry hoped so.
In that moment walking down the street, Harry began to fantasise about the future. How he would clear Sirius’s name and they could live together as his parents had intended. How he, Ron and Hermione could visit each other whenever they wanted and everything would work out perfectly. He would never have to see the Dursleys ever again.

It was just as he was thinking this that Uncle Vernon’s car suddenly turned onto the street he was walking down. At the screech of tires, Harry panicked and froze in the headlights like a frightened rabbit. It wasn’t until Uncle Vernon got heavily out of the car and shouted out his name that the panic broke. With Uncle Vernon hard (and heavy) on his heels, Harry tore down the street in the other direction, past the end of Privet Drive and kept going. He didn’t look behind him but he could tell Vernon was still there. Harry, weighed down by his trunk kept going, a sudden spurt of adrenalin and panic adding to his speed. He rounded a corner and stuck out his right thumb, just as he had done two years before. Only this time he knew what he was doing. He continued down the street, the laboured breathing and thumping footsteps of Uncle Vernon getting more and more behind. He was going to make it. He knew. But where was the bloody bus?

“Get back here…gasp…boy!” shouted Uncle Vernon from some distance behind him, sounding out of breath.

“No!” Shouted Harry over his shoulder. “I’m never going back! Ever!” at that moment the Knight Bus suddenly screeched to a halt at the curbside beside Harry. The doors swung open and a familiar voice called down to him.

“By Jove it’s Harry Potter again! Or should we call you Neville Longbottom, eh? Ooomf!” Harry knocked Ern the conductor aside as he scrambled onto the bus lugging his trunk behind him. Uncle Vernon was nearly upon them. Harry had met Ern and Stan, the driver two years ago when he had run away the first time.

“Where to, lad?” said Ern, eyeing the approaching Muggle with discomfort.

“Go! Quickly, just go! Now!” shouted Harry. Stan was all too happy to oblige, and the doors swung shut just as Uncle Vernon reached the bus. He banged on the glass with powerful fists just as the bus sped off into the night.

“Ooh dear, that’s not good. Can’ have Muggles tryin’ ter catch the knight bus, can we?”

“He’s…my Uncle” said Harry, also a little out of breath. Ern and Stan raised eyebrows and looked at Harry questioningly.

“Your Uncle? Always chase you down the street like he wants ter kill yer does he?”

“Pretty much, yes.” Said Harry, bitterly. Well, ‘Arry, where’ll it be this year?” Ern grinned at him, obviously wanting to change the subject. “Diagon Alley again?”

“No, not this time, Ern.” Harry managed a smile. “I’m on my way to The Burrow. Home of Arthur Weasley.”

“The bloke ‘oo works for the Ministry of Magic? No problem, ay Stan?”

“No, not t’all.” Replied Stan. “Got a long journey tonigh’, though, lad. Will be nearly morn’ ‘fore we gets there.”

“No problem.” Replied Harry counting out coins into Ern’s hand.

Stan and Ern began chatting among themselves and Harry made his way down the bus. He found himself a nice-looking four-poster bed next to the mid-way emergency exit and put his trunk beside it. The bed across from him was empty, giving him a little privacy. Within minutes of lying on the bed, he was deep in a safe, dreamless and free sleep.

When he awoke it took him a few moments to remember where he was. The whole evening had the mark of a dream, but as his vision and his consciousness cleared he could see that sure enough, he was lying on a four-poster bed on the Knight Bus. It was still pitch black outside and he had no idea of the time. His watch hadn’t worked for ages now, and he had given up wearing it altogether last year, relying on Ron for timekeeping. He raised himself to a sitting position and noticed that the bed opposite his was now occupied.
The newcomer was a witch dressed in jet-black robes and hair to match that cascaded just below her shoulders. She was watching him curiously. She smiled when he caught her eye and he smiled back. She was sitting cross-legged on her bed and Harry noticed that she didn’t seem to have any luggage at all. Harry swung his legs over the side of the bed and looked around him. There were four other passengers. At the far end of the bus on a shabby sofa was an old wizard in drab green robes, fast asleep and snoring. Two beds closer a middle-aged couple lay side-by-side, also fast asleep, their trunks tucked under the bed. The other was a young-looking wizard who kept looking back from the bed closest to the front to glance at Harry as if trying, not very discreetly, to decide whether he was who he thought he was. Harry suddenly felt very conscious of his scar and turned away so he could make sure it was covered by his untidy fringe.
Just as he was doing so he felt a red-hot twinge go through it and he gasped. Although it was gone in seconds the woman opposite suddenly sat bolt upright looking at him intently. He stared back and was about to ask her what she was staring at, when the bus suddenly lurched in mid air, sending him right off the bed and onto the floor. The middle-aged couple woke up with a start and looked towards the front of the bus with bleary eyes. By now, the witch in black had pulled out her ebony wand and had leapt to her feet. There was a commotion at the front of the bus as Stan and Ern started cursing and shouting like Uncle Vernon did when another driver cut him up. The young wizard near the front was also standing and also had taken out his wand. The witch was now down on one knee helping Harry to his feet.

“On your feet, Harry.” She suddenly spoke in a smooth, dulcet tone. Harry gawped at her. He wasn’t that surprised, no his scar, of course. That’s why she knew his name. She must have seen his scar.
The bus lurched again and something banged into it. The other passengers looked around them horrified. The young wizard remained calm, watching Harry and the witch with interest. Suddenly with no warning the middle aged woman screamed in terror. Both Harry and the witch in black, who had a hand clamped firmly on Harry’s shoulder, turned to look at her. A moment later the source of her terror became apparent. Four black figures flew past the window and Harry felt the bus stop in mid-air, hovering on the spot. Two seconds later the front and rear doors exploded open in blinding flashes of light. Through each other the two portals walked two tall dark Death Eaters.

Harry shuddered at the sight of them, and wondered how far behind Voldemort might be. Could they have known he was there? But how? The tall hooded figures moved closer to where Harry stood. The witch now had both hands on his shoulders holding him still. She stood sideways, as did he, so he could watch both pairs of Death Eaters as they approached. One had singled himself out from the others and approached them. Even before the witch spoke, Harry knew who it was.

“Lucius! You took your time getting here, old chap. I expected you over an hour ago!” Harry was horrified. She was with them! He tried to pull away, but she held him tight. Lucius Malfoy took another step closer and even with his face behind a mask, Harry could tell he was glowering.

“Hand him over.” He growled. The witch laughed, which Malfoy obviously wasn’t expecting because he took a step back.

“Just like that? What’s the fun in that?” Malfoy seemed to be emanating fury in a cloud around him.

“The Lord does not have the time for games.” He growled again. Two of the other Death Eater’s took a step closer. The witch seemed un-phased.

“Really? You could have fooled me.” Her mocking sent a seething ripple of anger through all four Death Eaters.

“Watch your words.” One of them hissed at her. She laughed again.

“Tell you what, you want him, you come and get him. How’s that sound?” Harry was confused. Was she with them or against them? Was there even a place in between, where she was on neither side? Lucius was becoming angrier by the second.
“You know what I find strange? Is that the Dark Lord has risen…” there were gasps among the other passengers. “…and all he can think about is killing this little boy. It’s so pathetic. He could be off killing Muggles and destroying the lives of thousands of innocents and he sends you lot out to get one, single little boy.” There were grunts from the Death Eaters closest to the back of the bus and Harry could see they were inching closer. He tried to warn her, but she began talking again. “But then I think, hey, maybe there’s something special about the little guy.” She patted him on the head. “Maybe Voldemort…” the middle-aged couple gasped in horror at the sound of his name. “…sees something in him that not everyone can see.” Harry suddenly realised that she was talking stuff and nonsense. She was stalling, but why? “I mean, does it take four of you to take one underage boy who’s out on his own in the middle of the night?”

“Just give us the, boy. Your part here is over. Sk’Natherra is over, witch.” Harry felt her flinch at Malfoy’s words, and he could see the Death Eaters were closing in from the rear of the bus.

“Yeah, it is. And whose fault is that, Malfoy?” her words were cold and with one sudden quick gesture she released Harry from her grip. He cried out and he stumbled a step closer to Malfoy. She was handing him over after all, and Harry felt the same fear he felt last June when he knew he would face Voldemort again. Malfoy snarled and made a grab for him, but Harry felt a powerful force surround him and fill him, pulling him out of Malfoy’s reach. He heard a woman scream as the Death Eaters all rushed towards them at once. He heard a man scream “Expelliarmus!” which was followed by an almighty howling screech that could only have become from a Death Eater. He heard the woman scream again, this time with terror and pain. He felt arms around him, grasping for him, but the force, which had taken over Harry’s movements completely now moved him around like a puppet. A voice he recognised as Lucius Malfoy’s screamed “Imperio!” and he felt the light-headed fogginess fill his consciousness.

“Come here, Potter!” he screamed at him and Harry felt compelled to oblige him.

“Fight it!” he heard someone screaming, though he couldn’t tell who, and the same voice screamed “Stupefy!”. He heard a Death Eater screaming “Cruc…” and ended in a scream as someone cut him off before was able to complete the unforgivable curse. Everything felt like a terrible dream in slow motion. Malfoy screamed again for him to obey him, but Harry was ready. Building up all his strength, he fought back.

“No!” he screamed back. Suddenly everything came to a head as the slow motion ceased and the scene before Harry’s eyes was that of terror, chaos and pain. To his relief, Harry noticed two unmoving Death Eaters on the floor, and the witch was without her wand, for which Harry was grateful. Malfoy however was still very much in control. He turned and advanced on Harry. The witch turned to join them, and Harry backed away from her.

“No, Harry, it’s ok.” she said as Malfoy suddenly charged at him. In a split second, the witch suddenly pointed her finger at the locked emergency doors and cried out.

“Alohomora!” To Harry’s horror they flung open and the force that was controlling Harry’s body sent him flying through the open doors and into the dark night. He screamed as the force that had been engulfing his body suddenly disappeared. He dropped like a stone down through the night air, wind rushing in his ears. The bus was a mere blur of light above him, the ground a dull glow below. Harry plunged ever downward through the darkness.

Last edited by Krysta; 05-13-2008 at 11:42 AM.
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