Rebecca walked into the office again
'I'll try again' she thought "Hello everyone... My name is Rebecca Todd, I'm here on behalf of Ms O'Connor... your department head"
Then a memo came in and tapped her on the shoulder, Rebecca picked it up and read it, seeing what it said she read it aloud
Attention Level 2:
There has been an outbreak of magical problems in the muggle community. People's laptops (portable muggle computers) have started to suck their souls out of their bodies. We need to find out what this spell is, how to block it, return souls, and then catch the culprit. Below is everyone's assignments.
Misuse of Muggle Artifacts:
There is a box in your department with one of the laptops in it. The spell has already been used so there is no danger to you. I need to to examine the machine to see if anything is off. Magical residue, messed up programs, anything that seems out of the ordinary.
Rebecca smiled at Zoey "Seems you've already got started"