Thread: Songfics
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Old 06-11-2004, 06:46 PM   #62 (permalink)
Special Services to the School
Queen Phoenix
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I'm finally back from a great vacation. I had so much fun! Sorry I kept you waiting so long, by the way. I hate doing that. :/ But it's unavoidable. A seperate songfic section would be grand, but there's not enough songfics written on SS to justify that, I'm afraid!

Oh well... on with the fic!



An enormous smile plastered on his face at her comment, Harry peered at the map. It felt good to be around Ginny again; he had nearly forgotten how easy it was to just talk to her, to just have fun with her. I don't want us to drift apart again, he thought. He had missed spending time with her a great deal.

"Here," he finally announced, "it's not far, just a few streets. Well, actually, there are two parks nearby, you decide. Either Embankment Gardens—they're close to the river Thames—or…what's this called? I can't read it," he muttered, taking off his glasses and polishing them on his robes again. A group of youths arrived from the staircases leading down to the rails and looked at them queerly; Harry grimaced—his cloak and robes, as well as Ginny's dress, weren't really what you could call unsuspicious. But then again, London hosted all sorts of weird people. The youths just shook their heads and continued on, probably to the nearest pub.

Ginny shook her head exasperatedly, trying to read the smudged paper. "Lincoln's Inn Fields is the name," she blinked, "I think."

Harry placed his glasses on his nose again and looked at the street names that led there. "So which one?"

"The one with less noise."

"I'm guessing the Fields then," Harry said, "Embankment is close to Victoria Embankment, which is a pretty busy road. We'll have to one of these streets here, pass Kingsway—I think that's the name of this one here—and then we should be there."

"Right, off we go!" Ginny pulled him away from the map. "We'll find it somehow, don't worry. And if we get stuck, we can always call the Knight Bus or Apparate back to the Burrow or something. I can't stand this light one more second."

((If only the lights would dim a little
I'm weary of eyes upon my scars))

They walked out of the tube station and set off leisurely. On Kingsway, Harry had to hold Ginny back from crossing the road before the pedestrians' lights turned green ('Ginny! Are you suicidal, or why are you so keen on getting run over by a car?'). But in the end, they made it to Lincoln's Inn Fields more or less safely. When they entered the park, Harry looked up and frowned; the starry sky had vanished to be replaced by soft white clouds. They found a bench, a little away from the main path leading through the park, and sat down next to each other, talking about the war that was still like an ever looming, ominous threat over their heads, although the worst was over; but Death Eaters were still on the loose. That was when their topic turned to life after the Order of the Phoenix, which was an event that was closer than they had thought. After all, the Aurors at the Ministry had most of the responsibility dealing with post-war chaos and threats; the main task of the Order had been accomplished.

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