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Old 04-26-2008, 08:28 PM   #57 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by therock_sorceress View Post
I have a question for you Laura. Can I have permission to use this as a siggy, because when I submitted on the thread, "Submit Your Signature Here" they said I needed permission to use the image.

And the first person I could turn to was you. So, may I have permission?

Well, as long as you've uploaded it to your own image account, you shouldn't need permission. But yes, of course, I made it for you!

That seems weird, asking for permission. *ponders*

Anyway, I have an announcement:


My photoshop has decided to go mental on me, so until I sort it out, the requests are on standby. Should be sorted within the week though

-Laura x
Sometimes, you just have to go with a classic


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