Hello! I'm Lissy, and I was recently inspired by the number of RP Charrie Fics on this site and I decided to make my own

The story will center around Cale Newell, who is my new RP charrie
as of next term and the cousin of my current charrie Emma

But I'm so excited to play him that I didn't want to wait till term, so this fic will start off as a glimpse at his home life, and then will move into Cale's life at school
So, without further ado, let's jump right into the story, shall we?
Who is Cale Newell? - Sa13+

Awesome banner by Kelvinator
The Changes
The Cousin
The Sorting
The Sunrise
The Broomstick
The Alley
The Pink Girl
The Pickup Line
The Fall
The Other Prefect
The Seperation
The Seperate School
The Letter
The Two Girls
The Step Sister
The Decision
The Invasion
The Birthday Party
The Breakup
The Flying Lesson
The First Date
The Drama
The Angst
The Mopey Prefect
The Cale-Hate
The Name on the Table
The Post-Breakup
He couldn’t remember much about it, which was strange. Usually, when you are 11 years old, you remember the more significant events in your life. He was pretty sure that losing a parent fell under that category.
Maybe it was the fact that his dad was hardly ever around. He wasn’t sure what he had done for a living, and he was pretty sure his mom didn’t know exactly what it was either, but he had been in foreign relations, and therefore hardly ever home. He definitely did remember the crying--there was a lot of crying on his mum's part. He understood what was going on--his dad had gotten sick, and there wasn't anything he could do about it. He remembered crying himself, locked upstairs in his room. Neither of his sisters remembered how dreary and depressing the air felt in the Newell house for that month in August.
And then, suddenly, everything became a blur. The only thing he could remember next was being told by his mother that he was not going to Hogwarts.
Now, every kid dreams of going to Hogwarts. The huge castle walls, the House cup, Quidditch matches, classes...all the stories he had been hearing while growing up were now just that--stories. He would never get to experience the thrill of sitting in his first Transfiguration class. He would never be able to visit Hogsmeade with the rest of his class. Instead, he was sentenced to spending his teenage years in his house, being taught mediocre spells and charms by his mother.
He knew why she was doing it. She was scared she would lose him too...an irrational, yet somewhat understandable fear. He'd feel really guilty if he left her and went and did something stupid and ended up losing a leg or something. Something like that would almost inevitably happen, since he could barely get dressed without tripping over his feet and falling into something. So, he kept his mouth shut and just dealt with it for four years. That was when he decided he couldn't take it anymore.
Cale Newell loved his mom, and his sisters...he really did. But, truth be told, she had been a stay at home mom while her husband was still alive for a reason. She had a desk job at St. Mungos now, but if she had a job that had anything to do with spellwork, Cale would be worried for her. He could tell, even without being in a classroom full of 30 other students, that her spells were not very good, probably only A standard at best. If he was going to make it someday in the Ministry, he would need to be able to perform higher level jinxes and charms. When he told this to his mother, she was quite worried at first, but after a long period of persuading, he convinced her.
Cale Newell was coming to Hogwarts.