"I wouldn't go for the ring..." she said looking at it.
Cassandra's head tilted to one side as she examined it. "It looks... too antiquey... Professor Rae is so, young, still..." She looked at the top of the case... "These earings are pretty... though I liked the others better." she read the caption below the earings. "14 carat Yellow gold, 1.83 grams, Sapphire, Cultured Pearl 2, 7-7.5mm, White."
"The pendant is nice, it would go well with the other earnings..." she read it's caption. "18 carat white gold, sapphire, diamond and pearl pendant... Hmmm white gold... maybe not..."
"You don't have to go with her, or the girls birthstones," she smiled at him, "Emeralds are nice... in silver settings." Slytherin to the bone...