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Old 06-10-2004, 06:55 PM   #115 (permalink)
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Join Date: Mar 2004
Location: UK
Posts: 413

ok, nuther 1...

the veil.

The air is still, but it flutters so,
I see it moving to and frow.
The room is light, but it seems to shine,
A kind of glow, it looks divine.

I hear a voice, 'hello? who's there?'
There's no reply but still I stare.
I stare and stare but still I fail,
I'll have to go beyond the veil.

Then again, I don't think I will,
I'll just stand here, quiet and still.
The voices are back, but I'll not go,
It's luring me in as it goes to and frow.

It flutters and ripples, tempting me,
Now it's done and I feel so free.
It's cold mind you, beyond the veil,
No wonder that old man's so frail.

The cold goes deeper than my bones,
I want to go back, I want to go home.
The veil has gone, now I can't get back,
I hear no more and the world goes black.

Danz_angel x

** I don't want these feelings, but I can't help what's in my heart **
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