Thread: Harry Potter: Chapstick - Sa13+
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Old 04-23-2008, 12:58 AM   #46 (permalink)
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Elizabeth Brecker

okay, because im in a good mood... and i like this particular chappie... im updating again even though i only got two people comment on the last chappie... so, more reviews equals faster updates... and i promise you'll like this chappie!!!! tell me what you think!!!!

loves to you all!


“Malfoy you GIT!” the angry voice of the Gryffindor barely cut through the noise and flurry of the blizzard. My arms and legs seemed to stop working as my entire body grew numb. The hints of splashes to my right led me to slowly follow Granger to the shore. Each stroke seemed to send another shiver of pain through my body. After swimming to the rock ( which had only been 3 meters away to begin with ), I hoisted myself up into the still air of protection it provided. Shivering from the freezing water that still drenched my body thought, so I desperately pried off the heavy cloak, envious of Granger, who had taken hers off before hand. Brushing aside the dripping hair that was plastered in front of my face, I looked over at her and couldn’t help but let out a chuckle. She was quite a sight, her normally wild hair so saturated with water that it lay semi-straight down her back, drops falling onto the clothing she was endeavoring to dry. If she had been any other Hogwarts girl her face would’ve been covered with running lines of make-up, but the only substance masking her face was a thin layer of clear water that clung to her dark eyelashes and slowly dripped from her cheeks, the robes for once clung to her body, still as wet as ever despite her charms.

“You git!” She proclaimed again. “What’d you go pushing me in the lake for?” the anger in her tone emitted through her eyes, and I was sure any other person would squirm under her fiery gaze.

Not me though. I simply rolled he eyes. “I guess I spoke too soon, heh?” I muttered partly to myself. But Granger, with her excellent hearing, heard me anyways.

“What’s that supposed to mean Malfoy?” she spat, confusion half hidden beneath her persistent anger with her current state.

“Really Granger! If I had hatched an evil plan to purposely push you into the freezing cold lake water and laugh at you when you climbed out shivering and soaked to the core what, exactly, would I be doing standing here in my drenched dripping robber? Hm, oh Brilliant One?”

She simply stared at me. Then her eyes seemed to actually look at me. As they traveled up from the puddle of water at my feet to water drips forming at the ends of the platinum hair that fell back into my face, I saw a smirk grow on her face. When her gaze dropped back to my own eyes, she started laughing. To my own surprise, I found my own face breaking out into a broad grin. That is, until I felt my lip protest. My hand shot up to my mouth, and gently pressed the fingertips to the cracked skin.

Granger stopped laughing to look back at me, and she started apologizing when she noticed how I was fingering my sore lips. I know this is what she was doing, because her face did that flash through expressions again, thoughtful, surprised, amused…

“What?” I scowled at her she was laughing at me again. Her giggles slowed and her gazed lowered to her shuffling feet as she bit her lower lip, that childish-I’m-in-trouble-but-it-sure-was-funny-look shining in her eyes. Another giggle escaped her open mouth before the words fell out “I think I dropped my chapstick in the lake!” she exclaimed.

My eyes widened. My numb hands fumbled through my robes in search of my wand. When I finally felt its chilled wood in my hand I crossed my eyes with desperation and muttered, “Accio Granger’s chapstick!”

My eyes remained closed as I waited, but nothing came. Slowly, my eyelids reluctantly flicked open, only to see nothing but the bloody blizzard and a drenched Gryffindor girl who was smirking her chapstick-soothed lips at a soaked Slytherin boy because she had dropped the chapstick he had wanted. Anger automatically started to pulse through my veins. That is, until I realized what I had just thought – chapstick-soothed lips…

My eyes focused on those lips as my ears only partially took in the words they were forming. “You know, I was actually considering letting you use som– ”

“Granger,” my voice demanded. Those lips frowned at the interruption, but I continued. “is that chapstick of yours waterproof?

While her eyes scrunched up in sight confusion, I would not let the alarms going off like crazy in my mind convince me to stop. Because if I stopped, my mind would delve deeper and all these thoughts would bombard the small part of me that was controlling my actions. As it was, a third section of my mind – the one that had always been throwing those sodding pictures if Granger in my dreams – was so bloody happy, I swear it had started a party in my head,

“Of course,” the naïve Gryffindor responded slowly, “But, Malfoy, its obviously stuck under the water. There’s no way of getting it ba– Malfoy?”

It might have been the smirk that claimed my face, or maybe the flash of a mischievous glint that I’m sure passed through my eyes or maybe the fact that I had stepped towards her, fractioning the space between us.

“What the heck are you doing Malfoy?” she asked, though I noticed her voice didn’t contain its usual fiery tone. The world around me disintegrated into a fuzzy haze as I took another step closer, gaze burning brightly into those puddles of mud that now seemed to be made of something much different than mud, something way more beautiful, enticing, enchanting.

My right arm reached toward her face, the soaking wet sleeve of my robe clinging to my skin all the way down past my wrist. We watched as a single droplet of water fell from my fingertips to her cheek, yet she didn’t flinch. Even as I spoke, she seemed more curious than afraid.

“Something I don’t do often,” I whispered softly.

“Touching a Muggleborn?” she asked, just as soft, eyes climbing from my outstretched hand to my eyes, searching mine as I searched hers. I’m sure we found the same things: uncertainty of what was really happening, nervous anticipation of what was going to happen, and that feeling that this felt so foreign, so different, in so many ways against the way of the world, yet so naturally right.

The name of that last feeling remained on the edge of my fingertips as they finally came in contact with the smooth skin of her cheek, still covered in a layer of water. But again, the girl was wrong; what I was going to do wasn’t merely touch her.

“Giving in to a Muggleborn,” I corrected gently. She seemed confused as my reference to our previous conversation, but I continued, “Please?”

The word didn’t taste bitter in my mouth, as if someone had forced some horrible, vile substance down my throat, as it usually had whenever I had lowered myself to sincerely utter that word towards anyone other than family. It must have sounded foreign coming from my tongue without a sarcastic bite, either that, or the know-it-all still hadn’t made the connection and figured out what I was talking about. Ah, yes. Of course it was the latter; confusion still hovered in her eyes. It was amusing to watch the confusion explode into understanding, only to melt into confusion again. What was she so confused about now? For being so brilliant, she sure wasn’t acting like it. The sodding winter cold must be infiltrating her brain.

“But… Malfoy… I don’t have any – ”

Merlin, that girl’s brain really was frozen, though it was amusing - knowing I had warned her, and that she had not recoiled from my touch, and that she hadn’t actually said no. A kind of half-smirk, half-smile took to my face as my left arm shot out and wrapped around her waist, pulling her closer to me so that, when my right hand cupped her chin and guided it up, I could still see her eyes as her brain finally broke out from its shell of constricting ice and started turning in full speed. But in the millisecond it took her to realize what I was going to do, my head had already lowered and my sore, chapped lips had just came in contact with her water-proof-chapstick-covered ones.


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My fanfic ... Chapstick
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