Thread: Harry Potter: Bright Beginnings - Sa16+
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Old 04-22-2008, 09:06 AM   #221 (permalink)
Krissy Moon
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Hogwarts RPG Name:
"Princess" Iris Sunrider
Fourth Year
Default Chapter 25: Blackness

We are so close to the end I just had to keep going. finally I'm seeing my vision coming to a close. I hope you enjoy this chapter. I think there will be only one or two more. Let me know if you like it!

Ginny sat panting on the kitchen floor, tears streaming down her face. Something was wrong. It was more than early labor, she just knew something was wrong with the babies. “My little loves, please… please don’t leave me.” She whispered through tears as she slowly turned herself to her knees. Deciding it would be best to be closer to the door Ginny forced herself to crawl to the living room and heaved herself onto the sofa. Dizzy and nearly ready to pass out she reached for her wand. If she needed to she would lower the protection spell herself and apparate to St. Mungos.
************************************************** ****************************************
Draco’s eyes widened at the voice of his mother. “Hello mum, can’t say I’ve missed you too terribly. Mind lowering your wand?” He gave her his usual self assured smirk, while in his chest his heart pounded with fear.
“No my sweet baby, I’m afraid mummy will have to kill you today. You see you stole the only man I’ve ever loved. How dare you MURDER your own father!” Narcissa raged her hand shaking.

“Mother I haven’t time for this nonsense. Lower your wand. I’ve ridden the world of stronger wizards than you and seeing as I’ve already killed one of my parents, I wouldn’t be so sure I was safe if I were you.” Draco hissed in anger. He was bluffing, his wand was locked away inside the Potter household.

“You wouldn’t dare.” Narcissa declared in outrage. “Goodbye Draco… Avada Ked…” Before Narcissa could finish the curse Draco lunged for her Knees and took her to the ground. They thrashed on the dirt path for a bit before Draco had her pinned on her back, his knee to her throat and her wand in his hand. Pointing it at her head he growled. “Who told you I was here ? The truth mother or so help me you will die much slower and more painfully than father did.”

Narcissa cackled. “Your little hero Potter won’t be saving you. David has seen to that.” Draco had suspected as much. Looking at her savagely he knew she had alerted other death eaters to his location, his mind wandering to Ginny inside he knew what he had to do. “Sleep well mummy” With that he pressed his knee on her windpipe, pulled his right arm back and slugged her in the face so hard a deep purple bruise appeared almost instantly. Pointing the wand at her he shouted “Stupefy!” and ran back to the house. It was no longer safe to leave Ginny alone.
************************************************** ****************************************
“Really mate! Stop pacing you’re making me ill.” Ron said from his desk where he sat reviewing some paperwork trying to avoid real work. A meek knock sounded at the door. “That’s David’s knock, go pace over there and answer the door.” Ron chuckled.
“I think someone is forgetting who’s in charge.” Harry said with a smile as he opened the door to find David with his wand drawn and pointed at Harry.

“That’s right, I’m in charge.” David said in a mere whisper. Ron jumped up wand in hand.

“what game are you playing David? It isn’t funny!” Ron shouted.
“Oh but I think it is.” David said, his brown eyes cloudy as if in a daze.
“He’s under the imperius curse Ron.” Harry whispered
Ron nodded at Harry and slowly counted to ten in his head. When he reached ten Harry ducked as Ron shouted out a long string of charms knocking David unconscious.
Harry ran to the hallway and found another auror. “Go to the minister, tell them the ferret is on fire.” he nearly shouted. “Ron, now!”
“I’m ahead of you.” Ron replied as the both apparated to the potter house.
************************************************** *********************************
“It’s in the broom closet. Take it.” Ginny moaned from her place on the sofa.
“I’m not concerned with my wand right now.” Draco replied through gritted teeth as he looked beneath Ginny’s dress at the quickly progressing labor.
“No, it’s not safe. There will be more coming soon. Let me die, just let me die.” Ginny cried out in pain, tears streaming down her face.
“No!” Draco snapped at her while he was trying to assist the first baby into the world.

Two loud pops were heard outside quickly followed by Ron and Harry running in shouting.
“Ginny! Draco! Wands NOW! We need to get out of here security has been breached!” both stopped short as they saw Draco kneeling with Ginny in labor.

“What the hell?!” Harry said looking a bit dazed. “We need to get her to St. Mungos NOW”
Draco shook his head. “No time, the babies are coming now and my mother is unconscious outside. This is the safest place for her.
Ron looked at the scene before him. “Then you need to leave we’ll assist Ginny, but it’s not safe for you here. “ Pulling Draco’s wand from the closet he tried to hand it to him.
“NO! I’m not leaving her. The first baby has the umbilical chord around their neck. How many babies have you brought to the world? Either of you? I’ve helped dozens of horses foal, now back up get me some blankets and water!” Draco shouted at the two men. His main concern was to make sure no more babies died because of him, or his parents.
************************************************** ***********************************
After twenty minutes the first baby was out and breathing slowly. The tiny baby boy was struggling to breathe, but Draco was already moving to catch the second of the triplets emerging into the world. After forty five minutes of Ginny begging to die Draco realized the third child was breach.
“Gin, I’m going to need to turn the baby or it will never be born and we haven’t got much time.” He whispered. Harry and Ron were walking the perimeter of the house , Harry checking in every minute or so to see if the third baby was on it’s way yet. He hated not holding Ginny as she gave birth to their children, but it he wasn’t careful the entire family could be ambushed and killed.
Ginny nodded at Draco. “Do it quickly” Then groaned at the agony she felt as the last baby was righted. Pushing with all of her might the last child was born. Squalling loudly all three of the infants seemed to be doing well. Wrapping the third child in a blanket Draco handed Ginny all three tiny infants.
“One boy, two girls.” He smiled down at Ginny with tears in his eyes forgetting for a moment that the battle he was facing was only half over.

A loud bang sounded as the windows shattered throughout the house. The protection spell had been broken and they were no longer safe. Throwing himself on top Of Ginny and the babies Draco heard Harry and Ron shouting spells and counter curses at his father’s acquaintances. Then his mother’s familiar cackle. He held firmly to his wand determined to protect Ginny and the triplets no matter what. He felt a searing pain in his back, and then nothing. Just, blackness…
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