Thread: Summer in Milan
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Old 04-21-2008, 12:55 AM   #11 (permalink)
Golden Monkey
Dark Force Defense League
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The REAL Sorting Hat: "Ravenclaw!" This monkey is bananas.

Ari grinned as she saw Lexi and made her way towads her, her green eyes bright. "Hey Lexi, how are you?" She asked, it was a dobuble question but she knew Lexi would know that. She hugged her tight and tyhen looked to her cousin, "This is William, don't call him Will or Bill though he hates that." she chuckled ruffling his hair.

William, who had been looking at a girl blinked when Ari ruffled his hair, "Hey, get off it Ari!" he exclaimed, sticking his tongue out ather before turning to the girl she had been talking too. "Oh yeah I'm William, that's William not Will or Bill." He said nodding as he grinned.

Ari sighed shaking her head as she turned back to Lexi, "Sorry 'bout that he's annoyed right now." She replied as she looked around the place putting down her bag which moewed angrily. "woah, almost forgot Ginger hope you don't mind that I brought her, she's clingy right now." She said just as another voice called her name.

She turned and saw Sam and another huge grin crosesed her face, "Sam!" she cried out, going up and huging her tight. "It's been forever hasn't it?" She asked, before chuckling.

"Who're you?" William asked sarcastically as another girl came walking up to Ariana and began speaking to her. His brown eyes blinked and he spun around in a circle, looking for someone his own age. He had no problem making friends, though for some reason they never liked his jokes or pranks. And why not, they were hilarious.

"Will! This is Sam and you have to respect her." Ari chatised her cousin while throwing Sam an apologetic look. "Sorry about that Sam. So how've you been? I missed you last term." though there was a good resason for that she knew.

A small meow interupted Ari reunion with her friends and she looked down, sighing as she picked up Ginger who immediatly crawled onto her shoulder. She had missed her master though the new smell she could do without.
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