Thread: Poetry: Crazymutant2000's poems
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Old 06-10-2004, 01:35 AM   #1 (permalink)
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Default Crazymutant2000's poems

Gryffindor Lion

Of the mightiest animals you may come across
Stunning and quick, he knows he's the boss

The bravest lion, far and near
the Gryffindor Lion is staying right here

Best Friends

Harry and Ron
best friends from the day
that they arrived at the platform
and got on the train

No matter what trouble
they seemed to get in
they'd find a way out
with Hermione, their other friend

Neville, Ginny, and Luna
they were soon to meet
and they took on the dark lord
they hoped to beat

After all that
they were almost all dead
but thanks to Dumbledore
there alive instead

Now that that's over
and they all get a rest
they can see right now
that their friends are the best


Voldemort came on a darkened night
you can bet yourself, he wanted to fight

It was a boy named Harry that he wanted dead
Although a prophecy he heard, had some words unsaid

So when he tried the curse it blasted him far
and now on Harry's head, there lays a scar

His parents both died, their love they give
Can't you see now, he was the boy to live

Gryffindor Quidditch

Oliver Wood's
the Keeper you see
he can block the quaffle
no matter how quick it be

Along come the chasers
mighty, brave, and tough
headed by Angelina
the match is gonna be rough

Next are the beaters
the Weasly twins they are
while playing side by side
the bludgers travel far

Next is Harry Potter
seeker extroardinare
no matter where the snitch is
he will be right there

Dumbledore's Army

Harry is the leader
of this rebelious pack
with his defensive skills
and his friends that got his back

Next is Ron
Harry's best friend
No matter what the challenge
he'll be there to the end

Then comes Hermione
Brilliant as can be
when theres something to learn
there ain't nothing she won't see

Along comes Neville
not all that bright
but to avenge his parents
makes him put up a fight

Along comes Ginny
Ron's little sis
with a wand like hers
there's no way that she'll miss

Last is Luna
Strange as can be
no matter what the problem
she'll behave rationally

Put them together
not much to say
when combined
they form the D.A.


These are the people
that change their form
they could be a dog
or could be a worm

which would you be
if you had the choice
speak it out now
lets hear your voice

It doesn't come easy
to become one of those
you might hurt yourself
and end up in St. Mungo's

But if you try
and you succeed
a disquise for you
their is no need


This is the creature
that spiders fear most
you mess with him
your gonna be toast

It is a serpant
with deadly eyes
to see them directly
you know that's not wise

Avoid this creature
you'll remain alive
those who don't
may not survive


When you need light
there is a spell
to brighten up
the darkest well

Lumos is
the spell you need
simple and quick
no need to read


Not to smart
not at all bright
they're ugly and stupid
and love to fight

They're really tall
and really tough
pick a fight with them
they're gonna be rough

Harry Potter (Legend)

Harry Potter has a scar on his head
Right now he shouldn't be alive, but dead

Voldemort came in the dark of night
Being just a baby, Harry could not fight

Instead of being killed the curse backfired instead
And ended up leaving Voldemort near dead

Instead of leaving Harry looking like dung
now he can speak parsel tongue

He is the boy who lived they say
because he survived Voldemort that day

He speaks the name those fear to speak
Instead of fearing the name, his bravery he keeps

Ravenclaw Eagle

It flies through the air with extreme ease
spinnin and divin in the gentle breeze

The cleverest of birds you'll ever see
The Ravenclaw Eagle knows the way to be


Only when you've seen death
you can see these creatures
and their many wonderous
horse-like features

If you can see them
you know they have wings
and fly through the air
like owls and other things

They are extremely fast
and like to eat meat
they have scaley type skin
and hooves on their feet

You may not see them
but still they are there
with their horse-like features
and their wings which they flair

Devils Snare

This is a plant that hates sun light
If you fall into its coils, It begins to fight

It will strangle until your as good as dead
It's limbs aren't made of wood but vines instead

All you need to stop it is a little light
and the devils snare will cease to fight

Just remember this and you may live the day
that you get caught in a devils snares way

Sorting Hat

It finds the place where you belong
while it sings a little song

Gryffindor, Ravenclaw, Hufflepuff, and Slytherin
It chooses the one which you best belong in

It looks in your head to see what it can find
It chooses your house by your state of mind


A boggart is a nasty foe
It becomes whatever you fear, you know

This is a creature that loves dark places
If you disturb him he'll show you his many faces

If your ever in trouble from this sneaky creature
Shout RIDDIKULUS and remove his feature

Avada Kedavra

One of the worst spells of all
get hit by this and you will fall

its an unforgivable spell they say
get hit by this and drop that day

there is no one who could ever stay alive
a curse like this which Harry Potter survived

Avoid this curse or you will die
once your hit, there you'll lie


They live underwater
and in between seaweed
a fight from them
you do not need

They are excellent swimmers
with really long fingers
if you run into them
swim away, don't linger

They love to grab hold
and love to drag you down
so listen to me
if you don't, you might drown

Ron Weasley

No greatnes to show
when he began
the wizards life
in this magical land

Brother Charlie was a seeker
Fred and George were both beaters
Bill and Percy were both prefects
and became head boys, the leaders

competing with his brothers
you can say it was hard
with brothers like Fred and George
you can't let down your guard

He was made prefect
in his fifth year
yet he still had a ways to go
to be with his brothers up there

Keeper tryouts came
he wasn't the best
but he made it all the same
he put himself to the test

During the Final match
he was playin pretty good
He didn't let the quaffle past
he took the place of Wood

Now he is somewhat great
this wizard that we see
yet he may not be the best
his names still Ron Weasley

Sorceror's Stone

This is a dog with three heads you see
Its extremely tall and Hagrid named it Fluffy

It gaurds a trap door on the third floor
beyond it holds some traps and something more

It holds a creation by Nicholas Flamel
That Voldemort needed to make himself well

It's a little rock that grants immortality
But Voldemorts plans were foiled by a boy named Harry

By Dumbledores orders the stone was destroyed
And as from now Proffesor Quirrell's unemployed

Cho and Harry's first kiss

In the room of requirement
under the mistletoe
Cho was crying
as you may already know

Harry came over
to help her out
and to see what the crying
was all about

Yet she made a move
as you may already know
they ended up kissing
under the mistletoe

Chamber of Secrets

This place was made by Salazar Slytherin
That is said to hold a great creature within

It was made long ago when Hogwarts was found
yet no one could find it when they looked around

The entrance was located in a restroom
Yet down below it was like a tomb

Animals bones lying across the ground
a little further on there was snake skin to be found

Tom Marvolo Riddle was the dangerous sort
After being Slytherins heir, He became lord Voldemort

He was the one that could release the beast
Upon the students at Hogwarts for it to feast

Harry Potter came and said not a word
but instead killed the beast with Godric Gryffindors sword

That day Voldemort almost came back to life
Harry used the snakes fang like a knife

Harry stabbed the diary and voldemort died
Tom could consider that chance at life denied

Triwizard Tournament

This is a tournament, very challenging you know
Where three witches and wizards, sometimes four will go

It is made for three different schools
Although they don't always seem to play by the rules

The challanges are tough, they may as well be
They are hidden, so you have to wait to see

You may end up crossing a dragons path
Or maybe in the lake taking a bath

The challanges only experienced wizards can beat
So many obstacles that they must defeat

Win it's over, one will win
the Triwizard Cup, and many Galleons

Marauders Map

It shows every place in Hogwarts you can go
It even shows secret passages you know

It shows teachers names so you won't get found
It helps during night so you can look around

It was created by Wormtail, Padfoot, Moony, and Prongs
Wormtail went bad yet the others stood strong

To gain access to this map that they could
They would solemnly swear that they are up to no good

Now it belongs to Harry, Prongs's son
With Hermione and Ron, you know their gonna have fun
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