Theme 30: Feast ♥ Mrs. Itachi Uchiha™ & MAJNOO! : Bleach & Kyo & Natsume ♥ [ Maxh!Jesh ] Two Hungry Blacks Theme 30: Feast
As the feast began, Sirius and Regulus immediately began to shove large amounts of food into their mouths. Bellatrix, sitting with her friends, raised an eyebrow.
From Sirius, she could expect anything now. She had always expected just about anything from him but, ever since the day he had dared to pull one of Narcissa’s – yes, she admitted they were childish, but still – blonde pigtails, Bellatrix had given up any hope of his ever turning out a real Black. But Regulus? Please!
If Geraldine could see him at the moment, she would run in the opposite direction at full speed.