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Steelsheen spunky chic isnt she this Ms McCrory?
man she would've rocked as Bella.
lookin' forward to her Narcissa though. bit of an upward hill to climb there.
Now you see, I think that helena BC is the perfect bellatrix. She is soooooo far outhere. Helena is soooooo extreme Both her & Tim Burton. That is Bellatrix in a nut shell
Not that Helen Mccrory isn't but I did imagine Narcissa to be a bit prettier, more like Naomi Watts. Not that she could have played her though, shes not british
I feel the sameway. Not that his woman is a pretty. But, there is something more GLAM about Naomi. & Lucius looks like the type of wizard would would have modle type wife being, that he himsel is delvishly handsome( We need a DROOLING smily here). Mc Crory is pretty but, not GLAM.