Originally Posted by SourGrapesAnyone?
Tag backed away from the cheetah, now that there were no ropes holding her jaws closed. Sure there might be a plate of food in front of her, but what if she preferred human heads?
"Amelia and I could stand on either side, Professor," Tag offered, then glanced around for a third wall-holder. Josh was preoccupied with his stress-induced hysteria, and the other kid had obviously been daydreaming. His eyes landed on one of his teammates. "Rhi's over there--she can hold up the other side." He leaned forward and patted the bag in Clark's hand. "Don't worry, fella. We'll get you set up in a comfy place, too."
He frowned at the professor and Nurse Numel. "They told us not to try and petrify the animals, since they're students. If that was safe, plenty of professors could have done that a long time ago." And now Trelawney was earning points. He felt his dislike for the monkey-petrifying prefect rising.
Amelia and I could stand on either side, Professor she thought in a whiney voice...
They told us not to try and petrify the animals she thought in her head...
Prat!! Quote:
Originally Posted by Squirrell Monkey
Jumping on one of the creature (Tag), he cuddle his head as if he was thanking him in some way. He wanted to be out for sometimes but he also wanted to see him too. then climbing on the window, he pushed it open and climb down. He was finally out.
Cassandra rolled her eyes and made her way to the door, "I'm on it professor!" as she passed Tag she 'accidentally' bumped into him, "Thanks Sevens, for losing him! I swear I can't see what Bucky saw in you!" she said as she ran out.