DAFC VIP Mooncalf
Join Date: Sep 2006
Posts: 7,184
Hogwarts RPG Name: Atticus Cornridge Second Year x1
| ll Achmed's 2nd Keeper ll Team Jacob l l Otaku ll Quote:
Originally Posted by XanaSnape "Three, ye say?" She nodded, going to the glass-enclosed pastry counter. She bent down and put the pastries in a small, candy-striped box and returned quickly to the counter. "That's six sickles, if ye please, dearie." She said, handing him the box and awaiting payment. Two sales down, two to go, and I can go upstairs and put me feet up. And that one's just one choco-frog-- 'ardly a sale at all. she thought.
Gonoph Corsair stood quietly, still holding his chocolate frog while waiting for the man in front of him to complete his transaction. He was nothing if not a polite and patient gentleman. He glanced over at the door then eyed the stacks of Galleons. Foolish old woman, leaving her money on the counter! She was practically asking to be robbed! He thought, gripping the Galleon in his own pocket tightly as he waited. He was beginning to feel a bit nervous with the other three men in the store, and he smiled a pleasant, if a little strained, smile at the man who had spoken. "Co-workers, ehh? All hit with a sweet tooth at once tonight?" He said politely with a crooked grin. "Ah, yes!" he said beginning to feel something of a sweat from the old man. Nicoli politely stepped out from behind him and moved up to the counter, bringing out a shinny gold Galleon on to the counter. "I'm sorry, I've got no change at the moment," he said hoping the galleon when added to the already large pile would raise the old man's heart rate a little.
Nicoli chuckled at the old man, "Oh no, I just happened to drag them out here for a little time off. Couldn't help but do a few errands..." Hopefully he didn't sound completely lame. Ah well. It was the best way he could phrase it. Quote:
Originally Posted by camirayaxley Siobhan walked leisurely into the shop and browsed around. She had noticed Nicoli and co, but didn't want to arouse suspicion by walking straight over to them. After a few minutes though, she glanced around as if looking for something specific, plastered a large friendly smile onto her face, and walked casually over to them. "Hey", she said amicably, hoping no one dropped dead of shock. She could be friendly when required. She had undergone extra training for it as it didn't come easily, but she learned well enough to be able to fake it. Quote:
Originally Posted by camirayaxley
Siobhan was a bit surprised when someone came up and spoke to her. She quickly realized, however, that it was the shopkeeper. She smiled politely at the woman. "Don't worry. I'm just looking. I'm really here to see if I can manage to drag my friends", she gave a gesture to the guys, "out of here and out for some drinks."
She was quite confused about why he wanted to go outside, but she decided she would follow him nonetheless. Maybe then she could find out what was going on. She'd just gotten there but she could definitely feel some kind of tension. It was they way things usually felt right before all hell broke loose. "Of course. Maybe you can catch me up on the latest gossip", she said lightly as she started walking towards the exit. She knew it was direct enough for Chris to catch and at the same time she was enough of a girl to where no one would suspect that she meant anything else. Nicoli allowed himself a knowing smirk at the two of their backs as they left. They were very good at the role playing. Even Siobhan gave it a very convincing twist. Not to mention, if the old man bolts...they could corner him. "Love birds," he mumbled as he waited for his change. Now he just needed to give the old man a chance before he left the shop...which may mean breaking something. And getting the others almost out to the door. Though now it was just Aaron and himself. Hard job. |