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Old 04-13-2008, 05:34 AM   #2 (permalink)

Forest Troll
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At the loony bin ❣ Ubiquitous ❣ Brain!nvader ❣ !Wake The Dead¡

A typical day at Gryffindor Common Room: 19- Jelly Legs

Thanks Tailzie for picking out my first challenge! This one is for you! Special dedication to Stacey, Chris & Sabs and all those crazy Marauder RPs we've had!


“What are you snickering about?” Remus Lupin questioned his friends.

Sirius snickered.

James snickered louder.

Peter groaned.

Remus placed both hands on his hips and glared threateningly at his friends.

“Don’t do that, you look like my mother” Sirius barked out in laughter.

“Your mum is more melancholy” James pointed out.

Peter scratched his head, “he’s disowned!

“I’m bloody well aware of that” Sirius retorted, glaring at Peter.

James frowned at Peter.

“What?” Peter said defensively.

Remus thought better to interject and save Peter for the millionth time. “So?” he nudged Padfoot and Prongs, “what’s the entire snickering about?”

“Jinxing McGonagall” Peter grinned.

“I’m going to strangle him!” Sirius pronounced ominously, his silvery eyes gathering dark clouds at Peter.

“I’d save it for Snivellus” James scowled at the mere thought of Snape.

“Their only contemplating Jelly Legs Jinx” Peter explained.

“Peter!” Sirius and James barked out together.

“You’ve gone mad!” Lupin declared slashing the air with his hand, “you’re not doing it. You’ll get expelled for goodness sake. I’ll get expelled for not stopping you. Absolutely not! Do you know how old she is?” Remus growled.

“Not really” Sirius shrugged carelessly.

“Do you know?” James asked interestingly, “I’ve always wondered....."

Mermaids, Zombies,...Blackbeard.

Last edited by Blackwidow; 04-13-2008 at 05:39 AM.
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