↑Lyrical Life beastie pwnage! Hola luff. Moni here. X]
Erm, i was just running through the graphic shops, when i stumbled onto yours. and I fell in love. Lololz.
you got some pretty shweet graphics. XD
and I have A siggie request! [size 300 x 150 if you please. ]
With this lovely photograph.
And do you think you could make it somewhat like your emma siggies? wheres its all clear and the photo is flipped. ;D
that'd be great.
And then for the text, I want the name "Kylator" placed on the bottom corner, in A big boldish font pleash. you can use whatever color, as long as it looks good.
and thats pretty much it.
Tankyou luff.
__________________ _________________________________________Painting Daisies 
If you call my name out loud, do you suppose that I would come running
Do you suppose I'd come at all.. ____________________ I suppose I would |