Hi!! Okay sorry i know they're a little later than promised!!

Anyway here we go;
Ryanrocks: (I made a few just so you could chosse!


GOODGIRLGON3BAD: (hope you like em hun!


Please can you both credit ma shop if you use em on SS!

Thankx, if you want anything changed then just give me a shout and i'll get onto it!

Originally Posted by
Yay! I've missed your graphics!
Can I get a Weasley Family wallpaper? You can use any pics you can find. Thanks so much!
Hey!! Thats fine but what size wallpaper???? 800x600, 1024x800, 1280x800??? just PM me and let me know hun and i'll get onto it!

Hi!! Was i really?? Well thats kool i'll get onto your request now hun!!

Originally Posted by
Red Fox
Hey Nicola!
I'm really happy to see you back! I do have a request, but only when you get around to it (take your time!)
I would like this to be a split siggy, half Excelsior's part and other part Samantha's -
Excelsior Black Slyth Samantha Rose
Head, Department of Magical Education banner
The Slytherin part should be with Excelsior's part, and the Ministry part with Samantha's part, or you can use your imagination and just use a green background or however you choose to do it! Their names are here on the link. (Excelsior Black, Sensitive Slytherin/Samantha Rose, Head, Department of Magical Education).
Thanks a lot! I really appreciate it! (I kinda do graphics now, but you do a WAY better job than I ever could!)
Hi!!!!! Thankx i have missed makein graphics so i'm glad i'm gettin requests again!!!

I'll get onto it chick!!!
EDIT: Hi! Have you got another pic i could use for samantha rose cos i can't remove the stockphoto sign without it being really obvious!
