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Old 04-11-2008, 09:41 PM   #3 (permalink)
Fallon Chanel
Join Date: Jul 2006
Posts: 21,641

NICOLA!!! *tackles* I TOTALLY REMEMBER YOU!!! Glad you're back, hun!
I have a request, and I'll post it soon.
X'S and O's,

EDIT: Okay! I have my request!

First part of request: a siggy and avvy set, please!

Use this, this and this.
In big blue text, I'd like for you to write: Pretty Boy

In a smaller, blue text, write:
Pretty boy, listen up, I could put you on
to the ne-next level that you should be on

I'd like for you to use a blue color scheme. I'd like a blue border around it that matches the text, also. And if you could, can you add a design to it? Like, polka dots or stars or paisleys or something?

Just use the above pictures and write: Pretty Boy

use the same color scheme and please put a blue border around it. I want it to match. And please decorate it like you decorate the siggy.

-end of first part of request-

Second part of request: four avvys

For the first avvy, I'd like for you to use this picture. In a blue font, please write Toby. Please put a border around it, and decorate it with a cute design. I'd like for it to have a blue color scheme.

In the second avvy, please use this picture. In a blue font, please write Pretty Boy. Please put a border around it, and decorate it with a cute design. I'd like for it to have a blue color scheme, and I'd like for it to match the first one.

In the third avvy, I'd like for you to use this picture, and in a blue font, I'd like for you to write : Pouncer. Please put a border around it, and decorate it with a cute design. I'd like for it to have a blue color scheme, and I'd like for it to match the first one.

And in the fourth avvy, I'd like for you to use this picture, and in a blue font, write Pretty Boy. Please put a border around it, and decorate it with a cute design. I'd like for it to have a blue color scheme, and I'd like for it to match the first one.

-end of second part of request-


Last edited by Fallon Chanel; 04-12-2008 at 09:49 AM. Reason: correction in avvy amount and addition of new picture to signature request.
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