Thread: Greenhouses
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Old 04-10-2008, 09:20 PM   #52 (permalink)
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Originally Posted by XanaSnape View Post
Don't touch that!!! What if it's a cursed object? her mind screamed at her.

Xana warily took the small box from Professor Erikson, shrinking away from him as soon as the object was in her trembling hand. Her heart was beating so hard that she could feel its triphammer beat in her wrists and ears as well. "Thank you..." she said with a slight hesitation in her voice. She glanced at Diabolica and then glanced back at Professor Erikson before returning her attention to the small box.
Diabolica caught Xana's eye and gave her a warning glance. Xana, have you learned nothing from our past instructors? That could very well be a cursed object of some sort! The man has just attempted to obliviate you, and now you're accepting an unknown gift from him as if it were a friendly exchange during Christmas time? she thought, eyeing the box in a mistrusting manner. She returned her gaze to Xana and her eyes seemed to advise her not to open it.
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