Join Date: Jun 2007
Posts: 5,510
Hogwarts RPG Name: Former Professor Valon Kazimeriz Graduated | Kool-Aid, Oh Yeah! | | SS Mischief Maker Quote:
Originally Posted by Linda Hagrid Nicoli gave the old woman a kind smile. "I think he'd like that, thank you," he said, feeling the presence of someone close to him. Then a old man walked straight past him to the counter. Nicoli kept his face straight, though it was a struggle. He had a strange feeling about this man. He couldn't simply have been here all this time to buy the one chocolate frog. Neither could have Aaron for that matter.
It pained him to have to do this to the old woman, but he'd have to force an opportunity for the old man to make his move. If he did not, then he wouldn't be the criminal. If he did, the answer would be obvious.
"Better make that three pastries, he'll be sure to like them." Nicoli hoped the woman would turn her back allowing the man to or not to make his move. He decided to take his place in line behind the old man and he whistled a little tune, taking in the scent of a person who didn't exactly live the high life. Or rather, the regular life.
Nicoli grinned at Aaron, "That's Chris right there," he said in a cheerful voice, "and Chris, this is Aaron. You too should talk, I think you'll have a lot of things in common!" Hopefully that didn't look to fake. Nicoli patted Aaron on the back, and moved him in the general direction of the door. There was something in his eyes that said he had a plan. Nicoli then proceeded to turn around and glance at the two of them every so often. That, should be an honest chance for him to do something.
"Three, ye say?" She nodded, going to the glass-enclosed pastry counter. She bent down and put the pastries in a small, candy-striped box and returned quickly to the counter. "That's six sickles, if ye please, dearie." She said, handing him the box and awaiting payment. Two sales down, two to go, and I can go upstairs and put me feet up. And that one's just one choco-frog-- 'ardly a sale at all. she thought. Quote:
Originally Posted by Quidditch Master Chris watched quietly as he noticed that Nicoli took a keen interest to the old man in the store. He caught the message in his eye and nodded softly before turning to Aaron and returning the hand shake. "It's a pleasure to meet you also. I really haven't known Nicoli That long. I meet him umm... at the job." He added as not to give away there job descriptions. He said all of this loud enough so that the stranger would think that the pair wasn't paying any attention but low enough so that he could hear everything. He also kept his eye on the man's hand that never slipped out of his pocket. That seemed to suspicious.
Gonoph Corsair stood quietly, still holding his chocolate frog while waiting for the man in front of him to complete his transaction. He was nothing if not a polite and patient gentleman. He glanced over at the door then eyed the stacks of Galleons. Foolish old woman, leaving her money on the counter! She was practically asking to be robbed! He thought, gripping the Galleon in his own pocket tightly as he waited. He was beginning to feel a bit nervous with the other three men in the store, and he smiled a pleasant, if a little strained, smile at the man who had spoken. "Co-workers, ehh? All hit with a sweet tooth at once tonight?" He said politely with a crooked grin.
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