Thread: SSRPG: I am NOT Maddie - Sa13+
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Old 04-10-2008, 06:02 PM   #38 (permalink)
Dark Force Defense League

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Hogwarts RPG Name:
Xavieria Bole

♥ Touch Lass! | MOON OF MY LIFE | Lemon's Winner | Inside Kitty

Originally Posted by Fire Eyes*Tayzer* View Post
Well that's a lot of updates..

Awwwww....poor boyfriend. =/

hehe. A lot happened that needed to be documented

Originally Posted by Lissy Longbottom View Post
ZOMG. So many updates

Update! I need more!
OMG! *updates faster*

Originally Posted by Sabrina_Snape View Post
Awwww:hugs: poor Maddie, why doesn't Bella do anything????

Boyfriend is a vampire!!! sheez, I go away and lots of shockers appear! I'm not leaving this fic again.

*pitches a tent, sets up a sleeping bag, and lights a campfire*

Please PAMS!!!!

*gives you a plate of cookies*

Such loyal fans

Originally Posted by Tinkerbell* View Post

Poor Bella Maddie.

That's such a horrible dream. -pets her-

-goes to RP so you can write more about Tree Boy-
Thank you for your help Tree Boy inspired this update

Originally Posted by Panda Bear View Post
Oh Gosh.

That is sad. *sniffle*

But I really did like the previous chapter. *cough*

Hmmm...back to this one ... that is alot of fear. And way too much fears in just one dream. *cuddles Bella*

.......She doesn't bite, does she?
Bella doesnt like to show people when she is scared, it's considered a weakness in her family which is why she keeps it all inside. *pets her*

And she only bites when provoked.



Why did they both have to be so.... wonderful?

Why couldn't they both see her as someone in the way, and cast her aside?

That way the only one to get hurt would be Maddie. Not Tree Boy, and not Boyfriend.

Maddie talked to Tree Boy yesterday, it was a good talk.

A much needed talk.

One that was both nerve wracking and fun.

But the best times in your life are always like that aren't they?

The best part about it, besides being with Tree Boy, was that no one bothered them.

Not chocolate hating girl...

Not Boyfriend...

And not New Girl- whom Maddie had only just learned about.

This New Girl development does not make her happy.

Sure, she might be a nice enough girl, but not when she was trying to steal Tree Boy.

He was Maddie's Tree Boy.

Not her Tree Boy.

Let's move along before she realizes how hypocritical she is acting.

Where was I?

Oh yes, Tree Boy.

It turns out that Boyfriend had been right, Tree Boy did like her.

And she, still trying to protect all three of them, was trying so hard not to let that affect her judgment.

She was focusing too much on protecting him, that she neglected her own feelings.

She liked him too. A lot.

After she left Tree Boy, she went to find Boyfriend.

Now don't think that Maddie is just some little flirt who switches boys whenever she gets bored.

Because that is the total opposite of the truth.

The polar opposite.

She likes them both very much, but in different ways.

I have a feeling I'm going to have to explain that a lot.

Back to boyfriend:

He was being uber sweet to her, even though he knew that she knew that he knew she had been with Tree Boy today.

Did you catch that?

Okay. Good.

He told her that she was beautiful and kissed her neck.

He was trying harder to show her how he really felt, and she wished that Tree Boy would do the same thing.

But she knew he wouldn't. He wouldn't try to steal her away.

Had she not been so confused about Tree Boy and Boyfriend, she would have been on cloud nine.

Then again, if cloud nine was a place caught between two people she cared about, and maybe even loved, then she didn't want to be there.

No thank you.
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