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"LIAR!" she stood and began walking to the castle but the walked back.
"You missunderstood! You must have! Who told you she was killed? Who said he was there?!" She shook her head as she paced. "It's not him... YOU know he wasn't there!"
Alex laughed a little hysterical, "WHY would I lie? you think I am jelous of a married teacher? I hope your dellusions keep you warm at night."
Alex became sollem again, "John told me." he stated, "And showed me the memory of Kellein in the hopsital telling him what happened and what was said before she died from the massive trama. Penasives can't lie. So unless there is another Armand Erickson out there, I do know he was there. Or are you calling Kellein a liar on her death bed? becuase I would love to what you think her reasons for lying are."