Originally Posted by
I love it!! <3333 I like the 'He made her feel special' line. It made me giggle
... I want moar!!! -bounces up and down- It's awesome!! ^___^
haha thanks BFF!
I totally stole the stop eating the paste thing from Gilmore Girls though
Originally Posted by
I love it!
I especially loved this part:

-wants to here more about Maddie-
-subscribes to this thread-

~The Royal Kitty
I wonder who that boy could be.......

*pets the royal kitty*
Originally Posted by
Lissy Longbottom
EEEEEK! It is supa good, Nicolle!
I can't WAIT for more!
Thank you dear! I'm very glad that you like it
Originally Posted by
OMG, this story is awesome. I can't wait till u post again.
Thank you!
I'm going to post more right now
Originally Posted by
OMJ. I love Maddie already
Kneecolle, I thought I should tell you I'm subscribing to this. If you hadn't figured it out already.
Lookin' good. PAMS, buddy!
OMJ? Is that Oh My
I love Maddie almost as much as I love Bella
Originally Posted by
I am loving it.. Cant wait for more!!
Thank you!
Originally Posted by
This seems like it is going to be a really good fan fic! Keep writing please!! :woop:
Hmm. I hope that Maddie's life is interesting enough, it is to me
Daddy!! *tackles*
You have to say it is wonderful even if it isn't cause you are my Daddy
Originally Posted by
Red Squirrel
Oooooh. Interesting.
I luff it Colley Wolley.
Maddie rawks.

*pokes you to write more*
*squishes Terd*
Does Maddie rawk more than Bella?

I'm wayy ahead of you missy, I've got three chapters done already
Originally Posted by
I really like this. It's very diffrent than all the other fan fics. I am waiting for more!
-*~ Shirel ~*-
Thanks honey. I tried to make this as unique as I could
You think that she would know better.
You think that after the accident on her broom, when she fell and broke her arm, that she would be more careful.
You would think a lot of things.
She should have paid attention. She should have had a tighter grip on the branches.
Actually, let's just blame this on him. After all, it was his fault that she had been so distracted right?
Well, no.
It really wasn't anyone's fault, though some people who shall remain nameless, would like to blame it on Maddie.
Maddie prefers to blame the tree.
Actually, I believe her words were, "Stupid tree, with it's stupid slippery branches."
What eventful and exciting day is complete without a trip to the Hospital Wing?
I dare say that it is the best way to pass your life away.
The waiting room was, in itself, an entirely different affair. Besides being boring, it seemed also a place where one would have a strange conversation.
As Maddie sat there, awaiting care for her broken arm, Tree Boy asked her where she would rather be.
Where would she rather be?
Should she take the sane person's route? Or the drama queen route?
Drama Queen, dur.
So, she said that she would rather be back at home with her insane mother who was already lining up eligible bachelors for her.
Perhaps it had not been such a good idea to bring that up, because then, he asked if she would marry him.
Would she like to marry him?
Well, she supposed that if she were in love with him, and he asked her to marry him, sure she would.
And that is exactly what she told him.
Maybe that was not the right answer after all. Even though it was the truthful answer, she didn't exactly know how he felt about her.
What if he did like her? It would do her no good to lead him on in anyway, especially when she didn't know how she felt about him.
Confused? Well, you're not alone.